16: Rules after rules

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"The fate of love is that it always seems too little or too much."

Rule# 14: A&W should be treated with respect.

"How many clothes are we delivering Ma'am?" Oluchi asks me as I sit staring at the computer in acute confusion.

I ask myself the same question but end up with no answer. I press on the control key over and over but nothing shows on the desktop.

"Come help me out, my eyes hurt!" I complain, rubbing my eyes a little for effect even though it isn't the reason why I am not seeing the folder on the computer screen.

She comes quickly to stand beside me, "You and Mr Wilson finally went out on a date, no wonder you are all goofy this morning, you had a wild one last night."

I didn't have a wild one, I barely got enough sleep and that it because my conscience kept judging me for the choices I've made so far in life. I don't feel comfortable talking about what happened between Eli and me, and also, it wasn't last night, it was three nights ago and you only found out because she overheard I and Francis who claimed to have seen us there! I rant on in my head.

Rule #13 Keep Oluchi and Francis out of your business.

Well, Francis' involvement was beyond my control, but Oluchi's isn't.

"Focus, Oluchi!" I snap a little more than I should.

She throws her hands up in surrender before dropping them down on the keyboard, "Got it, got it, but you didn't have to take the whole name, Chi is enough." She clicks the enter button and the files come to the screen "okay thirty pieces for Mrs Lupe's dedication." She says before walking away from me.

I scroll through the files on the screen and in the documents. The first knowledge I had on driving as well as operating a computer was from Luke who thought me the basic control keys and then last week, Anna put me through, using a learner software but I am still far away from fair. I think back to Luke and wonder how his day at work is going. I wonder if he's visited since I've been away and if he did, I wonder how he felt seeing my door locked with no explanation as to where I am.

There is going to be a lot of explaining when I get back- if I do get back.

The phone in my purse begins to ring and I search it out of my bag and the ID on the small screen says Eli and my heart skips a beat.

I tried not to think too much into our dates, the conversation and most importantly, the kiss we shared in these past three days and even into this morning. The kiss was good while it lasted and I know there will be more to come and this is one of the things I trained for, even though I didn't expect it this way.

An absent fiancé was what I trained for most, so having a deep conversation, having my hand held in his, being held by the waist and kissed on the lips weren't the things expected. My lips run dry at the thought and I have to shake the thought out of my head and pick the call.

I flip the phone opens and place it to my ear, "Hello."

"Anna, love." Comes his excited hoarse voice and it sends goosebumps all over my body. "For a moment I thought you weren't going to pick up." He points out with the excitement decreasing.

Rule #4: If you're going to lie, make it believable.

"I didn't hear it fast enough," I lie with a quivering tone, biting my lips slowly, but if he took note of that he doesn't say.

"Turn the TV to Channel 11." He tells me instead and I get up from my seat and walk out of my office to the outer room where the TV is and I turn it from fashion TV currently showing, to Channel 11 as instructed.

Ms Wilson's Replacement Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora