31: We've come a long way

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"Great spirits have always encountered violent opposition from mediocre minds."
~Albert Einstein

Eli's POV

"Look who we have here." The voice I know so well say from behind and I instantly become cold and I clenches my teeth together.

Jaga Smith

A part of me knew he was going to be around for the fundraiser, but a part of me hoped that he would passed this year event, but a devil like Jaga wouldn't miss the chance to taunt and make life harder than it already is for everyone.

"The three nerds." He mocks and stops walking as he gets close to us, his eyes move from every one of us until his eyes settle on me and a smirk appears on his face.

My arms around Anna tightens and she must have noticed because she looks up with curiosity in her eyes. One thing about success is that once you get it, everyone thinks they can sink their teeth into you. After I took over Aiden pharmaceutical, Jaga Smith emphasises how science wasn't a family business and how they were other things I could be good at instead of that on an interview. He came under attack and he withdrew his statement and offered an apology to the Wilson family for gloating at their grief.

That hasn't stopped him from taking jabs at me, my company and friends every chance that he gets and just like the devil he is, I try my best to avoid him as often as I can.

"Jaga Smith, it's not so nice to see you." Amade sneer, "why don't you go away now?"

He gasps and places a hand to his chest, fake hurt, "Go away? I came here to try and make the world a better place, you are the ones not wanted."

"Haven't you learnt your lesson over the years?" Yogi asks with a disappointed tone and she shakes her head.

"Yogi, my marriage proposal is still open, I swear, I'm a better man than Amade" he sends a wink at her and Amade surges forwards but Yogi holds out a hand and stops him.

Amade teeth clench even as he speaks, "You're so lucky that we are at a fundraiser or I would have whipped the floor with your annoying smug face."

He makes a face of surprise and pulls his hand out of his pocket, "Looks like he's a fighter then."

"Nobody wants trouble Jaga as you can see, so please, leave," I say calmly, surprising myself.

He turns to me before glancing at his wristwatch. "How long do you have on that glasses I head it goes off at nine p.m. and it's ten minutes until that happens. You rip off the poor and give them a half functioning piece of glass you want to make the world a better place, give it out for free."

People like Jaga talk the big talk but when it comes to walking the big walk they run away. He knows giving Sight out for free is impossible, it's even madness because a lot of resources has gone into its creation and that money need to be gotten back; any one with basic knowledge knows that. Jaga knows that, he preaches what he does not follow, but I'd be damn if I bring myself down to his level.

"I'm going to give you ten seconds, Jaga or whatever you call yourself to get the hell out of here," Anna speaks up the first time since Jaga brought himself to us and she steps up towards him.

"Your fiancée," he says to me before glancing down at her, "you must be here for the money right cause that has to be the—"

I grab him by his shirt and pull him closer. I can take the mockery and joke all day, but I cannot take being calm while he talk to Anna in a disrespectful way.

"Let him go," Anna speaks up and at her request, all the anger surging through me fades away and I let go which makes Jaga smirk and I'm wondering why Anna would tell me to let him go, but then she throws a punch at him, sending Jaga back a few step and he collide against his girlfriend and while they struggle to stay steady, I am knocked into a state of shock.

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