18: What you don't know

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"I’m afraid to lose you and you’re not even mine."


Anna picks up another picture from the set of pictures on the table and shows it to me.

"This is Amade, Eli's closest friend," I answered and she nodded and dropped the photo back down on the table.

"Yes, he is Eli's best friend and partner. They have both been brainstorming and working on some new projects in the last eight months. I don't know much about it because Eli believes it would bore me out and he's right. He's visited two times so far because just like Eli, he's preoccupied with the project."

I stared at the picture of the man with brown skin and thick black hair that makes him look boyish and high cheekbone and full lips and sable black eyes that seem to pierce into my soul even with the glasses he had on and I found myself intimidated and forced to look away.

Anna seemed to have noticed the reaction of my body because she stated, "Amade may be a nerd with glasses, but he has the qualities that have women throwing themselves at him."

"Are you throwing yourself at him then?" I raised my brow at her.

"He's my fiancé's best friend, I'm not stupid." She dismissively stated.

Flashback ends...

Amade walks up to us in a navy blue three-piece suit and matching pants and a black wholecut shoe matching Eli outfit for the dinner, except for his red tie.

"Amade!" Eli calls out to his friend in relief, as he walks to us with a tall beautiful brown-skinned woman in his arms, "I thought you forgot about the dinner or worse, chose to let me burn."

"You know I'd chose to let you burn always." comes Amade's cocky reply as he finally gets to us. "I came in the same time Anna did, but I didn't have boobs and you didn't give me an engagement ring, so you didn't notice me," he says in the most accusing tone.

Eli's eyes narrow at his friend, "Why would I give you an engagement ring? You're already a nightmare without one." he shoots at him and there is an ooh sound at his word.

Amade fakes a hurt look and places a hand to his chest, "That's how you gonna do me? Fine. Too bad I wasted eight months of my life with you. At least Alicia doesn't think I'm a nightmare, do you, babe?"

Alicia who seems to have been swooning over him since they got here shakes her head, "No, you're just fine."

"See what I mean? And she's not saying that because I'm rich or handsome either, she genuinely means it,"

Well, without your money and look, you're just another loud-mouthed guy who wears his listener out."

Ignoring him, he steps forward towards me, "Anna," and he averts his eyes from Eli down to me and there is a composure that settles therein as though he was a different person, "you look so beautiful tonight," he takes my hand and places his lips to it.

"Don't kiss her for too long or you will be kissing my fist as well," Eli warns through gritted teeth.

"Your fiancé is a dick," he stated unapologetically, as he let go of my hand, "a big stubborn dick."

Okay, that doesn't help my imagination one bit.

I find myself laughing, "I wouldn't want him another way." I couldn't believe my ears after I heard the words I just said.

"Oh wow, he'll hurt, that's for sure." there are a lot of things I didn't expect tonight, one of them is Amade and he seems so free and happy and funny and that was not what I expected, not in the very least.

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