4: Karma is an Asshole

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"Not only is there often a right and wrong, but what goes around does come around. Karma exists."
~Donald Van de Mark

My eyes are wide my mouth is ajar, gasping for air. The jogging took my breath away, but the lady in my room whoever she is has just knocked the air out.

Startled and confused I place my hand on my chest trying to calm my racing heart and a million question flies through my head in that very moment.

Like how she got to my room? Because there is only one key to my apartment and I have it with me.

Why she looks exactly like me?

What the hell she wants?

And how the hell did I not see her when I walked in?

She looks like me and though her hair is in a treated and slightly curled blonde hair with fringe. Her eyes are light brown with close-set eye shape while mine are dark brown with a deep-set shape. Aside from that, we seem to have the same pointed nose and our lips are both full. Our cheekbones are both high and defined and our round jawline.

She's wearing a black jacket and a pair of white gloves that reach her elbow over both of her hand and the fingers of her left hand are twirling her dark glasses on the table. There is blue a file beside her on the table and I know it's hers since I don't own such a thing in this apartment.

She looks so much like me even with the blonde hair and difference in class, (because she looks rich and acts entitled and even though I just met her a minutes ago and she has only said only a few words I can already tell). I would have considered the possibility of a twin sister, but I knew how my parents were and if they had a baby, I would have known.

There has to be another explanation for the striking resemblance we share, it can't be because we are related.

But what if you are though? What if your parents had two baby girls and sold one to a rich family because they couldn't afford two? You know how greedy they were when it came down to money? No, this lady must be one of the seven people in the world that looks exactly like me.

She appears rich and sophisticated. Yes, and that means that all has been well with her, so why is she here now? What is she looking for with me because deep down I know she didn't come here to see me from the goodness of her heart or she wouldn't have barged into my apartment like she has.

"Are you going to stand there and look at me or are you going to sit and let us talk?" the lady in my apartment speak again and this time the words come out in the most authoritative and yet annoying manner.

I raise my brow, for someone who is not in her place, she does lack the right manners of approach. "How did you get into my apartment?" I ask.

I'm being a lot careful than I normally would have because I have no idea who she is.

"Questions, irrelevant question," she rudely replies, stretching her engaged hands on my dining table, she dips her hand into her purse and pulls out a lighter but as she takes it to her mouth I speak up.

"Can you please not smoke in my apartment?"

She ignores my request and light it up anyway.

Lucifer's younger sister! I inwardly curse as a frown settles between my brows.

Whoever said patience is a virtue certainly didn't get pushed to the wall then have their head beat in with a baseball bat before.

And just like that my patience is out.

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