47: The destruction of Eli Wilson

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"There is an ocean of silence between us… and I am drowning in it."
~Ranata Suzuki

She's wearing a red blouse, a black pencil skirt and a red bag, her curly hair neatly tied into a bun and her face holding little to no makeup on it.

My heart drops and panic rises within me as my eyes meet hers and she sees it too because she scoffs and enters further into the room even without being invited, carrying the same arrogance and loathe she always had around me.

Why is she here? Is she following me? How's the wedding? Shit, she was uninvited to the wedding.

What does she want? Because this isn't keeping a low key like Anna instructed or wanted. Someone has discovered my hiding place and I fear for the worst.

"What are you doing here?" I demand and slowly I turn to look at her, my voice fighting to stay firm. "How did you find me?"

"That is not a way to greet your fiancé's mother now is it?" She asked with a smirk on her face.

My hand holding the doorknob clenches and I further widened it and saying, "I think you should leave, now." I didn't want to have an argument with her. Her quarrel is with Anna and she is probably with her son, getting married so she needed to go there and—.

She begins to speak again, dragging me out if my thoughts, "You left Eli at the altar, do you have any idea what that does to a man especially after everything Eli has been through?" She demands, her eyes hateful and murderous.

Coldness break out on my skin at her words, especially at the part of Eli being left at the altar.

Anna didn't show up like she said she would and guilt plagues my heart because of Eli, he doesn't deserve any of what Anna has done, any of what I have done. I cannot even imagine what he must be going through now.

"Rosalina called me, she said he believes that you ran away and was tired of him and everyone, I beg to differ though." Her voice pulls me out of my thought and I see her glares at me murderously.

I understand her anger, Jumai has always been caring and protective of Eli and what Anna and I have done would make any good mother hate us.

Anna didn't turn up like we planned, well what the hell happened to change her mind??

Why would she say she will be around and not be around?

Maybe this was her plan all along, but it makes no sense. And now with Anna still out of the picture, I have to continue with the part of being Anna Wilson. I curse the day she came into my life.

I close the door and step away from it, feeling weak from the inside out. "I didn't mean to do that to Eli, Mrs Wilson, but everything was so overwhelming." I try to carefully play the cards in my hand, "tell Eli I am fine, but I will not be coming home, I no longer want to be in the relationship."

"You could have done that weeks ago, or even two days ago, but you led him on only to drop him on his head and disgrace him on his wedding day by not showing up! What was his crime? Loving you so much!" she closes her eyes and tried to retain herself mentally more than physically and when his eyes open again the anger has been already subdued.

"I am sorry, Ms Wilson, but you have to leave."

She moves to the bed which is not what I just told her to do. "I know the truth and it is quite confusing, but I think you will want to see this." she set her red Givenchy bag on the bed and pulled a brown envelope out of it.

My heart hasn't beat steady since I saw her at my door five minutes ago and with every minute she spends  this room, the harder my heartbeats. I can make a run for it now but then again I don't know what's on the outside. Beside there is no running at this point she hates me and is angry for what I have done to her son and will want to harm me back.

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