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𝘞𝘪𝘴𝘩 𝘐 𝘤𝘰𝘶𝘭𝘥 𝘨𝘰 𝘣𝘢𝘤𝘬 𝘵𝘰 𝘵𝘩𝘦 𝘥𝘢𝘺 𝘸𝘦 𝘮𝘦𝘵

𝘢𝘯𝘥 𝘭𝘦𝘢𝘷𝘦 𝘺𝘰𝘶 𝘣𝘦


Chapter Thirteen

It was the day the couple had been waiting for, the first day of school. It also had been a month since they saw Dani. Sunoo was glad he wasn't the same as he was before. He was glad he haven't seen her since that day.

Elliot on the other hand, decided to let it slide. She knew, no matter how hard she tried, he will never tell her. She planned on finding it our herself.

They were welcome with banners that greeted freshmen. The couple walked to their homeroom, hand-in-hand, catching stares from their soon-to-be classmates and peers. They took a seat at the back of the class, near a window. They talked and talked until the homeroom came in and introduced himself, "Hello freshmen. I'm Mr. Anderss Rut, you can call me Mr. Anderss. I'm going to be your homeroom teacher throughout the school year. Also, we have an exchange student joining us for a month. You may come in now." He gestured at the door. The door opened as a figure walked in the class.

Sunoo gaped as disbelief was shown on his face. Elliot looked at her boyfriend and back to the figure. She knew something was up with the two. "Hello, I'm Dani Lee. I hope we'll enjoy the time we'll have together. My Swedish might not be good as I only had a short time learning but I hope you all will help me. Please take care of me." The person spoke. Everyone clapped and welcomed her as the homeroom teacher left the class. Some students offered her seats but she end up sitting right next to the couple.

The students could feel an awkward tension between Dani and Sunoo. Elliot looked at him in confusion. She desperately wanted to know what their past was. She knew they were soulmates. She saw his wrist when she wiped it as he was asleep. She saw hers too when they ran into each other. She wanted to know what caused them to be apart but she wouldn't just let him go that easily.

Elliot saw Dani walking out the room and harshly grab her, pinning her to the wall, "What's your relationship with Sunoo? Hm?" "What do you mean?" Dani calmly answered. Elliot wasn't having it. She wanted the truth, "What's with you and Sunoo? Why is he acting strange when you're around huh?" Dani knew why he was acting strange. She hoped he still have feelings for her. She wished to go back the way they were before. She was willing to forgive him for what he had done. She couldn't bare seeing him with another woman, let alone, the girl who was pinning her.

"There's seriously nothing going on with us! Ask him yourself!"

"What's this soulmate thing then?" Elliot harshly grabbed Dani's wrist, showing it to her. Dani stared at her wrist wide eyed, "W-what are you talking abou-" "Quit acting will you? I know you two are soulmates but just because you two are soulmates, doesn't mean I'm leaving him."

"What did you say?" Elliot rolled her eyes and looked at Dani dead in the eyes, "I said what I said. He.Is.Mine. Okay?" They might've broken up but Dani wouldn't just give up on him. She didn't want to ruin their relationship but she, herself, wouldn't give up as well. Dabi couldn't help but laugh, "Girl, one word and I can make your man head over heels for me again. Did you know he used to chase after me back then? Oh wait, you wouldn't. As much as I want to ruin your relationship with him, I won't. It's pathetic to begin with. No matter what you will do with us. We'll always be soulmate and fate will always bring us together. And you might as well wanna cover your wrist properly." Dani smiled, looking down at the girl. She walked off leaving the other, defeated.

Dani wanted to be a bigger person. She hoped fate would bring them back together. She missed him. She feared losing him more than death itself.

Little did they know, a certain brunette heard their conversation.

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