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𝘚𝘵𝘳𝘢𝘯𝘨𝘦𝘳, 𝘵𝘩𝘢𝘵'𝘴 𝘢𝘭𝘭 𝘐 𝘴𝘦𝘦


Chapter Five

"Did you hear about that murder last night?"

"What's with the killer and students from here... It's the second time."

"First it was Jay now Kaye? The siblings? In the same place? No Evidence of the murderer? That's very- ah I'm speechless."

And that was the school's topic for today, almost everywhere around the school, around the neighborhood, news about Kaye could be heard. 'Well, it was her fault for bothering.' One thought.

Sunoo approached Dani, only to see her deep in thought. Sunoo placed a hand on her shoulder. She looked at him with a sad look, but was soon replaced with a smile. But her smile couldn't fool that sadness that was visible on her eyes.

Dani wasn't fine. She felt weird at the fact that both people who confessed to her, died. She couldn't believe it and she wanted to find who the killer was, although the siblings weren't that close to her.

Sunoo patted her shoulder, signing, "I hope you're okay. I miss your smile." Although, Sunoo felt no remorse as he remembered what happened. Dani held his hand and gently smiled. Out of the blue, the bell rang and soon the class started.

The day went on as usual. It was the same old, boring day for Sunoo. Their fun was interrupted when a loud explosion was heard all over the place.

The students took cover, until the noise was gone. They rushed to the highest floor, looking at where the explosion occurred. Students showed pity but one individual was impacted the most.

Sunoo stood in agony. He ran back home with no hesitation which troubled Dani. He was greeted with policemen and their cars. He pushed through people and asked whether they have seen his mother or not.

His mother may have abused him most of the time, but his mother meant a lot to him as she's the only one he has left.

A sheriff held his shoulders and tried his best to calm the boy down. The armed man quietly told him that his mother might already be at the nearby hospital. He nodded and ran all the way to the hospital.  'Is this karma?'

Sunoo was hesitant on asking the receptionist about his mother. He tried asking calmly about his mother but seeing his worried face, they could tell that he's related to one of those who were injured from the explosion, "Name of the Patient?"

"Jeong Saerin..." In an instant, they told me him her number and where to head to. The poor boy nodded and ran once again to his mother.

Upon arriving outside her door, he took a deep breath and opened the door. The hospital smell welcomed him, along with his mother- covered in bandages- who was laying on the bed, sleeping peacefully, "You must be her family?" A voice spoked out of nowhere, scaring the boy, "Y-yes." Sunoo gathered up his courage and asked, "How's my mother?"

"Don't worry, she's fine, fortunately. But we're not exactly sure when she'll be awake since the explosion's impacted her head the most and she may act or speak unusually- well we're not exactly sure so... but overall, she's doing well. We'll just see. I'll give you some time with her." The doctor left, leaving him alone with his mother. He held her hand and spoke to her unconscious body, "Mom... please wake up, I can't bare losing another family member. Please wake up soon." He laid his head on her the palms of her hand, embracing the warmth she had left.

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