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𝘉𝘶𝘵 𝘐 𝘥𝘪𝘥𝘯'𝘵 𝘵𝘩𝘪𝘯𝘬 𝘺𝘰𝘶

𝘤𝘰𝘶𝘭𝘥 𝘥𝘰 𝘪𝘵 𝘴𝘰 𝘦𝘢𝘴𝘪𝘭𝘺


Chapter Two

Six years had passed since Sunoo last saw or heard about his soulmate. For the past six years, Sunoo tried finding her but there was no luck. Luckily, he happens to attend the same high school as his one and only soulmate. Sunoo was in the same class as her but unfortunately, he could only admire her from afar. Sunoo sits at the back of the class, near the window while Dani sat on the opposite side.

Ever since that day he found out she was his soulmate; He hadn't had a thought of giving up. Since they were both in the same class, Sunoo tried and tried approaching her, only to his dismay of her either busy or someone just had to ruin it. Annoying isn't?

It was currently break time while Sunoo sat under a tree in the school's garden, eating a lame sandwich he quickly made this morning. Sunoo couldn't help but think of Dani. Just the thought of her made his feelings grew. He couldn't help but feel attraction towards her. Well, she is his soulmate after all. His thoughts were soon interrupted when overheard some students' conversation nearby, "Guys.... I heard that Jay Park from class 2-C is going to confess to Dani from class 2-A."




"I know right... I heard he's going to confess after school somewhere here and the reason why I know this is because I have classes with him and you know how their group doesn't know how to whisper," The girl laughed as she drank her drink. "Well, what can you say? Jay's group is just naturally noisy. Also, I might stalk them- HAHAHA!" The other girl then laughed. 

Unknowingly, Sunoo smiled as he envisioned a plan he has thought of as he listened to those girls. He smirked as he left, throwing his lame sandwich on the way.

The bell rang, indicating that the class is over. This happens to be his last class for the day since the school's staffs were called off to a meeting.

Sunoo quickly packed his bag, surprising some students and dash out to the garden as fast as his legs could. He may not be athletic but he can, surprisingly, ran as fast as he would like to.

As soon as he arrived, he quickly hid himself behind a bush that was near those two individuals. He moved closer, only to stop as he hears his pathetic voice. Sunoo looked at the scene in front of him. Jay fidgeted with the bouquet he was holding behind his back, "Dani, my dear...Thank you so much for giving me your time and coming to hear me say this stupid confession," The brunette watched in disgust as Jay slowly approach her and gently giving her the bouquet of flowers that he hid behind his back, "I know I haven't known you for so long but I've fallen for you ever since we first talked back in our 2nd year of middle school and we don't have to be in a relationship right now since I feel like we shouldn't rush anything... but maybe we could try knowing each other more and um... build our relationship slowly ?" No one could tell whether Jay was being fictitious of his feelings or not.

Jay is known as the school's player which makes it worse in Sunoo's case. 'Dani better reject him... I can't bear seeing my soulmate getting hurt- I don't want him to get on our way and marred between our relationship.'.

"Jay..." Dani spoke, moving towards Jay and whispered her answer through his ear. Sunoo unsure whether she rejected him or not. But whatever her answer is, Sunoo knew he won't stop bothering her. Sunoo may be weak but he can be pugnacious of what's his.

Sunoo quickly ran home, hoping his mother isn't back from work. 'I'm doomed if she's back early.' His mother was the person he feared yet adored the most. Sunoo dashed through the gates as soon as he arrived in front of his gloomy home and slowly walked in the front door. Sunoo sighed in relief as he felt no presence of her. "Thank goodness..." He muttered as he closed the door behind him and slowly walked up to his room.

"Where were you?" Her cold voice never fails to send shivers down the lad's spine. 'Oh no...' He slowly turned, only to see his mother, holding an empty bottle of alcohol, "I was doing s-school work..." 

"Did you really?"

"Y-yes..." Sunoo mentally facepalmed himself for stuttering. She gestured him to come closer to her. The lad didn't want to cause trouble so he did like what a good boy would do. Before he could move a little closer to her, she swung the bottle, hitting her head, "No dinner for you." She said with a stern voice and left the poor boy alone with his head bleeding. His mother may be drunk most of the time but she's not gullible, she's a women prodigy.

As soon as she disappeared from his trance, he slowly hiked his way up to his room, holding his bleeding head. Walking in, he locked his door and excitedly went to look under his bed as fast as he could, to get his hidden box- which his mother has never seen before, "It's time to be useful my children." He took what he needed, bathe and changed his clothes, making sure my wounds are taken care of.

Sunoo wore all black and masquerade. He opened his window and jumped off with his 'child'. 'He better be near when I arrive.' The lad ran and ran to reach his destination, hoping his own mother wouldn't notice him leaving without his permission. Sunoo doubted that his mother would even notice as she's too drunk to even care.

As he arrived, he hid behind a wall, patiently waiting for his beautiful target to arrive. He looked around, hoping that there was no one nearby or his goal of being reputable would be ruined. "He should be walking here any minute now..." Sunoo mumbled, quickly grabbing a bat that he found nearby and swung it once he saw his little prey.

'It was his fault for being obtrusive in the first place.' He walked towards the prosaic body, grabbing the poor body and dragging it to a nearby gym. Unfortunately, the prey is still conscious, making him heave out a loud disappointed sigh.

The prey gaped at Sunoo, after realizing who he was, "WHAT ON EARTH-" The man yelp but before he could even finish his sentence, Sunoo punched him to the gut, hoping he would subside. The brunette pulled out his favorite 'child' from his pocket as he looked at his beautiful target, planning on giving him morsel, "It's time for you to have a goodnight sleep... forever." Sunoo smiled pitifully at him. With no hesitation he swung it, aiming on the poor man's stomach until he was unconscious, "Goodnight..." Sunoo smiled,


Soulmate - 𝙆𝙞𝙢 𝙎𝙪𝙣𝙤𝙤✔️Where stories live. Discover now