Chapter 9

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James knew he was bisexual ever since year five of Hogwarts. It was a game of spin the bottle with the rest of his friends. Peter Pettigrew, Lily Evans, Sirius Black, Remus Lupin, Mary MacDonald, and Marlene McKinnon. James was busy chasing after Lily, hoping that the bottle would hit her, yet it passed. Instead of matching with Lily Evans, his long term crush, it landed on Remus Lupin.

James had never kissed a guy before. He was always looking after the girl who fit the criteria of what everyone expected of him. Now, he was face to face with a boy. It was embarrassing, yes, but ultimately intriguing.

Peter attempted to give James a re-roll but he didn't care enough. He leaned over and kissed his best friend. When he pulled out of it, his eyes traced the room. He titled his head to the side and thought about it. He didn't mind it. He didn't mind kissing guys. Maybe it was because Remus was attractive- Everyone was attracted to Remus- yet he didn't actually care.

Right after Sirius and Remus had kissed next in the following round, James finally spoke out.

"I like kissing guys!" he said. Everyone looked at him. Was this because of puberty. James looked at Sirius who was more than shocked. "Sirius, can I snog you?"

Sirius cackled. He shrugged and leaned in. "Whatever makes you happy, Prongs."

James had kissed Sirius and Remus that day. He was supposed to be in love with Lily Evans, yet he was more shocked by his realization.

That was the day James realized he was bi. The same day Sirius and Remus realized they fancied one another.


James laid in his bed. He stared at the ceiling.

Remus liked the stars, they were something that Sirius had gotten him interested in. Though there were stars all around, he more loved the moon. That's where the nickname Moony came from. The Marauders (what James, Peter, Sirius and Remus called themselves) all mutually decided that if Remus was any magical being he'd be a werewolf. He stared at the moon too often and would get tired the week of a full moon. He knew about moon cycles to every small detail.

Sirius was the one who got him the book on moon cycles, yet Remus always had a fascination in it even before he met Sirius.

This love for the sky was why the boys stuck glow in the dark stars to the ceiling. That's what James analysed.

"I fancy boys," James told his friends.

Sirius sat up from his bed. Remus dropped the book he was holding. Peter stopped at the doorway of the bathroom. They all looked at James.

"Pardon?" Sirius spoke out.

James sat up, looking at his best friends. "I fancy boys," he repeated. "I like snogging them."

Peter let out a breath of air. "What about Lily?"

James only then realized he wasn't thinking of Lily. Lily, the girl who he was supposed to be in love with. He still loved Lily, yes, but he wasn't focusing on her. He was focusing on himself.

"I fancy Lily," James looked at Peter. "I also fancy boys. Is that a problem?"

Peter shook his head. "No, no," he put his hands up defensively. "You do you."

Sirius rolled his eyes. "Of course Wormtail agrees-"

Remus glared at Sirius. "Sirius, don't be a prick."

Sirius' eyes locked back together with Remus'. He frowned. "I'm not-"

Peter made his way next to James. He sat in front of him, smiling. "I'm glad you found out."

Sirius and Remus continued on their argument. Yet Peter was with James. He was kind. He held up his hand for James to high five. James followed through.

"Is that why you wanted to snog Sirius?"

James laughed. "Why? You want to snog me too, Wormtail?"

When James called Peter his nickname it was always out of affection. For Sirius it was out of mock. Peter pushed James away. "Gross, no-"

James and him laughed. James hugged Peter close. He thanked him. He was thankful for Peter.

Sirius and Remus were supportive like Peter was, yet it took Sirius a little longer than the other two. He needed a moment to process his own emotions. The day he truly showed approval of James he had come out to the Marauders. A domino affect it was, all coming out one after another. It was then that Peter realized that he was the token straight friend.

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