Chapter 5

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James didn't enter the store alone this time. He was entering with his two blonde friends. When James locked eyes with Regulus, who happened to be not behind the counter this time, he practically ran up to him. Regulus dropped the wipe he had in his hand, yelping as James pulled him up into the air, holding him up from his butt. He laughed into Regulus' chest. He was so happy, but the action startled not just Regulus—who was now bright red—but also the other two. Peter was so shocked he let go of the door, letting it smack into Remus' face, spilling his coffee all over his shirt.

James let Regulus down, hugging him close. Regulus, not used to being touched, somehow enjoyed the action. He hugged him back. He buried his face into James' shoulder, trying to hide how embarrassed he was.

Barty—who was supposed to be on holiday—pulled out some paper towels, giving them to Remus who was shrugging it off. It wasn't as bad as it seemed.

James leaned his head into Regulus' hair, smelling the pine tree shampoo he used.

"I missed you," he whispered into Regulus' hair.

Regulus smiled into James' shoulder. He didn't know why everything James did make him so happy. Why did James make him happy? Is this the friendship he was missing?

"C'est n'importe quoi," Regulus uttered in French. That's nonsense. "You saw me yesterday."

James shook his head, ruffling up Regulus' hair. "It was so long ago."

Remus cleared his throat yet James didn't budge. He held onto Regulus, holding onto him like he was his life support. He enjoyed his touch. He liked being near him. He liked everything about him.

"James," Remus wasn't upset in any way. He was more curious. "Would you like to introduce us?"

James finally let go of Regulus causing Regulus to miss his warmth. He missed touching James, holding onto him. He missed it. Even though James was right there. Maybe James heard his thoughts.

James held onto Regulus' hand, yet Regulus interlocked their fingers. James rubbed his thumb over Regulus' hand. Regulus melted from the touch. He must've been touch starved. Why else was he folding so easily?

"Reggie," his voice sounded like a symphony saying Regulus' name. Goodness, why did it make him so happy. "This is Remus." Remus raised his hand, waving at Regulus. He had a soft look. "And this is Peter." Peter greeted Regulus with a smile. Regulus just relaxed. "Peter, Remus, this is Regulus, my..." he hesitated.

To be fair, Regulus didn't know what to call them either.

Peter saved the day, grabbing hold of Regulus' hands, shaking them like it on the friendship manuel.

"Hello!" he said. "James doesn't bloody shut up about you!"

Regulus couldn't help but laugh at that.

"PETER!" James squealed.

Peter chuckled. "He's always like 'wow, Regulus today was—oh did I tell you about Regulus?' Even though we said not to pursue you, he was so enamored he had to."

Regulus pulled his hand out of Peter's grasp. "You told him not to—he's enamored—why?"

Remus shrugged. "We know your brother, Sirius."

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