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Regulus Black is the sole heir to the Black family fortune. He is expected of many feats if he wants to be good enough for the Black family. He must go to university, he must have straight As, and he must be fine if he is set up with any woman. The only and most important rule was to never become like his brother. His broken and disappointment of a brother could never be someone he looked up to.

For Regulus, these rules weren't difficult. He wasn't interested in any girls he went to school with. In fact, he never spoke with one long enough to develop an interest. This was good enough for his parents. They needed to approve anyone he dated, no matter his age.

His childhood consisted of studying, avoiding anyone that tried to speak to him; including his family. Regulus had to fit into the lines of anything expected. He didn't make friends, though when some attempted to be friends with him, his parents had them cut off. He was never even allowed to read freely. Only the books his family provided. Astrology, the family history, and provided study material.

He surley lacked some of the proper knowledge he was required to know, but his parents were conservative. He was pulled out of those classes; anyclass that allowed him free thinking.

But was there a problem with that? Regulus didn't care. He didn't have room to care. He didn't want to care. To care was too difficult. Too much work.

Before his brother left, he told Regulus to get a job. He wanted him to build independence. So Regulus did it. He began working at an ice cream shop. His parents knew, of course, and they controlled his income. That was enough independence, wasn't it?

Regulus sat on the floor, twirling a pen in his fingers. He wasn't any good at it, but he managed. It was something his coworker taught him.

Barty Crouch Jr. It wasn't acceptable to dye your hair in this town, but Barty didn't care. Barty dyed the underside of his black hair green. He rarely brushed it. He was messy, and a horrible influence.

Regulus' brother was another horrible influence and he left him all alone. He hated him for leaving. He hated him for separating himself. He hated how free his brother was. He hated the envy he got from his brother's freedom. He wished he could be like his brother, but he'd never be brave enough.

Regulus still remembered the day his brother left. He was fourteen and his brother was sixteen. His brother had left him a letter, told him if he was ever needed just to call him. In a fit of upset Regulus burnt the letter. He only listened to one thing but got rid of everything. He was livid. He hated his brother. He hated him. He hated how he missed him. He hated that his brother left, so then all the heir family shit was put onto him.

Now his family doesn't speak of him. It was like his brother didn't exist. Regulus was glad. He didn't know where his brother went. All he knows is it's good that he's no longer with him.

Life is better without his brother. A brother he'll never name. He hopes his brother rots in Hell, or worse. That's what he deserved.


Barty had gotten up from the floor. He knew Regulus wouldn't join him for a drag, so he left to the back door alone. Regulus didn't care.

Maybe it was for the better.

The shop's front door opened to the conversation of two boys. One was rounded, he had a soft smile and a fluffy mop of blonde hair on his head. It was neatly trimmed. His skin was pale, but just a few shades tanner than Regulus. He had brown eyes, matching along with the boy next to him.

The other had deep brown skin, his hair was curly, parting down the center. His rounded glasses were falling down the bridge of his nose, yet he pushed them back up. His reflecting smile was brighter, showing dimples in his cheeks.

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