Chapter Twenty-Two

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The platinum tresses of Heartha's long hair flowed in the air as she enjoyed the playful breeze dancing within the Enchanted Forest. She had not felt this peaceful in so long - ever since before her older brother set her forest alight.

Now the West Side was completely restored and the threat of more damage seemed far away. She had won. With the help of her dear children and the human princess Aurora, the Dark One's protégé and her scheming mind was gone. Never to return.

With her eyes closed she took in a deep breath and smiled as the wonderful scent of her home filled her lungs.

"This is how the world must be. I could not be more proud of my children and their determination," she said through a tranquil sigh. "Surely the Great Power is smiling down at me now."

"Well you would think that!" a voice interrupted the moment.

The golden, elder fairy looked about her, searching for where the voice had come from. Then a strange gleam shone brightly in front of her, revealing a figure made of pure light. The figure displayed Theia's kind looking face, her yellow curls and her large wings that framed her shoulders with a transparent green glow.


"What are you doing, Heartha? You are turning your back upon your duties!" The shining figure's melodious voice reprimanded the Mother of Fairies.

"I - I don't understand. What do you mean, Sister?" Heartha questioned, her eyes pulled wide in shock as she took in her deceased sister's form.

"You were charged at the beginning to raise up all fairies, to forsake no soul born within the forest. You have failed, and the Great Power is disappointed in you," Theia carried on with an assertive tone that Heartha could not ignore. Her voice was so powerful, too powerful.

"You are not my sister are you?" Heartha said in a frightened whisper, and when she saw the shining fairy shake her head slowly, she fell to her knees.

"G-Great Power! I-I wasn't expecting you. I was unprepared for your counsel!" Heartha pleaded to the bright light standing over her.

"Listen to me, Heartha. For too long have you ignored me, and now everything is in a terrible mess." Theia's voice had changed from the caring sound, that once belonged to Heartha's little sister, to a chorus of voices speaking together as one.

"I don't see it that way!" Heartha defended herself. "The Enchanted Forest has been restored and so has the human kingdom. Things are all as they should be!"

"And still you refuse to open your eyes!" the many voices rose with anger. "Look!"

The glowing form of Theia stepped aside and pointed through the trees, where Aurora was running frantically towards them. Cezanne fluttered her wings behind her, trying to catch up.

"Aurora, please!" Cezanne called after her. "Listen to me!"

"No! I'm tired of the lies!" Aurora yelled back over her shoulder.

"What's going on here?" Heartha questioned, making Aurora halt in her tracks.

"Heartha, Mother of Fairies. I wish to speak to you." The princess struggled to get her words out as she tried to catch her breath.

"Please, Mother, I don't know what's come over her!" Cezanne pleaded.

"Well, let her express her thoughts and maybe you'll be enlightened, Cezanne," Heartha said in her usual assertive way.

"Thank you." Aurora curtsied towards the golden robed Mother of Fairies. "I want to plead for Carabosse. She has been through so much and I believe she deserves forgiveness and a place amongst us."

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