Chapter Eleven

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"That was so stupid!" Carabosse's scolding thoughts reached Ibis as they flew together. "Why didn't you stop me?"

"Should I have?" Ibis asked, confused.

Carabosse gave no answer; she flew straight towards the castle and looked for the glow of the Rosebush Twins' wings. Their pink light shone from a slightly ajar stained glass window. The gap was too small for her owl exterior to squeeze through, so she transformed herself to a much smaller, blackbird and hopped inside.

"We couldn't be happier for you, your Highness," Cezanne said, bending gracefully into a curtsy.

"May we see her!" Fleurine squealed in delight, before getting nudged by her sister. "Your Highness," she added awkwardly under Cezanne's pushy glare.

"By all means," the Queen chuckled. "She's lying inside her cradle over there," she continued, whilst waving her hand towards her left.

The Rosebush Twins fluttered to the beautifully ornate cradle and looked inside. A sparkle entered their eyes.

"What a beautiful little face she has!" Fleurine cooed over her.

"Such gorgeous blue eyes," Cezanne added, in a tone that Carabosse never knew she was capable of speaking in.

"Thank you," the Queen responded then turned to her husband. "Are you not going to say anything?"

"This is your department, Florence. I don't know why we both have to be here for this," he said, clearly bored.

"She's your daughter too, Augustus!"

With a big sigh the King nodded his head, "Fine, fine, let's get on with it then."

The Queen clicked her tongue then turned towards the fairies. "So, the Mother of Fairies told us you both are the most qualified for becoming young Aurora's fairy godmother. However, we can only choose one of you. Is this right?"

"That is right, Ma'am," Cezanne confirmed.

"Oh, but I don't know who to choose," the Queen said looking from one fairy to the other. "I am afraid to upset either of you."

"We will not be upset, no matter who you choose," Fleurine said, gently. "It is against our fairy policy to ever feel jealous of one another."

"Oh, that's a relief!" the Queen sighed. "In that case I would like to choose you, Cezanne."

A large grin stretched the red adorned fairy's face and she curtsied again towards the King and Queen.

"Thank you, it is an honour to be chosen! I will stand by beautiful Aurora every day of her life, I will guide her and help her when she needs me and I'll make sure she always has a smile upon her shining face," she said perfectly, it was as if she rehearsed it word for word; like she knew all along that she was going to be the one selected.

"Wonderful, I know that I've chosen well," the Queen said with a smile. "Now, that that is done, I would like to invite you and all your fairy friends to join us tomorrow for Aurora's naming ceremony."

"How wonderful! Everyone will be delighted to come! We shall go and tell them now, so that they can prepare their magical gifts!" Fleurine said, jumping up and down with excitement.

"Magical gifts?" King Augustus repeated with worry etched into his heavy brow.

"Yes, it is tradition, Augustus," the Queen hushed her husband, sending his eyes to roll again. "Seven fairies will be chosen by Cezanne to bless the royal princess." She then turned back towards the two fairies. "But please let the fairies know that they're all welcome to celebrate with us, every last one of you."

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