Chapter Four

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Weeks went by and Alina managed to learn a great number of tricks that Theia thought would be useful for her.

Alina had mastered creating furniture and tools from the materials nature gave her. She also learned how to store items in the keepsake realm; this space was mainly used to store larger items that would take up too much space, such as, the marble bathtub that Alina bathed in on her first day staying at the willow tree. She also learned lessons outside at night. Only ever at night. Theia did not want to run the risk of Heartha finding out, for she could easily put a stop to Alina's education if she saw fit to do so.

Alina could see that Theia had lost hope in her ever getting her mother's true acceptance. She could also see within her Mama's demeanour that this truly bothered her. But, she refused to talk about it, and there were times when Alina wished her Mama would open up to her. She couldn't bear to see Theia's sad face.

On an evening much like any other within the willow tree, Alina sat at the open living room window. She watched the owls that she wished she could befriend, soar amongst the trees. She let her thoughts wander as she followed their graceful movements.

A quiet knock sounded on the willow tree's wooden door. It was such a light knock, one would think the knocker didn't truly want to bring genuine attention to oneself. Nevertheless, Alina heard Theia carefully set down her sweet tea, get up from her comfortable seat and answer the door.

"Sister, to what do I owe this pleasure?" Theia's voice reached Alina's ear. She fought against herself so to not listen in.

"Sister, I understand that my visit is overdue. However, it is time to discuss Carabosse's place."

Alina didn't dare look over her shoulder, she just let her ears burn as she watched the birds of prey swoop and sway in the air. They seemed to purposely fly close to her. It was as if they were drawn to her. She loved looking up at those glorious creatures; she dreamed of their freedom, of their carefree demeanour, their powerful movement, their sense of purpose. She still longed to fly amongst them. A longing that must never be acted upon, as long as she wanted to try and get into Mother's good books; that's what Theia kept saying, anyway. However, they both knew there was no space for her in her mother's so-called "good books".

That didn't stop her from wanting friends though. She wanted so badly for other fairies to accept her for who she was. No matter how different she looked or how her natural gifts in magic manifested. She yearned for that closeness with her peers, to be able to laugh with them, to connect with them.

Her one dream was to be accepted.

However, her reputation had tainted her from the very beginning and the other fairies avoided her.

This would indeed be the case, until now.

Mother made her exit - without saying a word to Alina. She left all the talking to her sister.

"Alina, you..." Theia felt so overwhelmed with the news, it took her a moment to gather her wits to carry on. "You have a place in magic school."

"What? How?" Alina squeaked out her questions in utter disbelief.

"Heartha's been persuaded by someone else it seems." Theia sparked her daughter's curiosity with a small smile.


"You mustn't worry about that! All that matters is that you have a place, and an opportunity to discover your true purpose. Isn't that wonderful?"

"It is! It is wonderful!" Alina said excitedly hopping up and down. "When do I start?"

"Tomorrow," Theia answered, without a beat of hesitation.

"I'll be able to make friends tomorrow?" Alina asked innocently.

The Dark Fairyजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें