Chapter Twelve

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Carabosse flew above the trees in her fairy form, keeping her human size. She did not care about anybody seeing her now, for in her mind she had won and nobody, not Cezanne or Mother, was able to touch her; she felt unstoppable.

Ibis flapped his brown wings wildly to keep up as they made their way to Achlys' cave - to celebrate with him the misery that she had managed to accomplish already. She swooped in and out of the purple stalactites and stalagmites, all the way to the slate room; where Achlys stood waiting for her at the looking-pool.

Carabosse landed gracefully within the doorway and welcomed the coolness of the smooth rock that met her bare feet. Ibis followed her inside and found a place to perch as she pushed the heavy door shut behind her.

"You have returned," Achlys spoke first, not looking up from the water swirling in front of him.

"Did you see, Achlys? Did you see what I have achieved?" Carabosse asked, her chest full of pride and her mind full of anticipation for his reaction.

"Cursing the royal child," he pondered out loud. "A child under the protection of your enemy, Cezanne." A dark giggle left Carabosse's mouth as she made her way to the Dark One's side. "A layered plan of wickedness indeed, my beautiful child."

"You really think so?" she asked, sounding like a little girl searching for her father's affirmation.

"Truly. Forcing those humans and idiotic fairies to stew for sixteen years, as they wait for their precious princess' curse to be fulfilled, it was truly inspired!" he said, whilst caressing her cheek affectionately with his marble-like hand.

Sparks of green magic twinkled within Carabosse's blackened irises and Achlys swiftly removed his hand and turned back to the looking-pool.

"But..." he then uttered in a low voice that was almost inaudible.

"But?" Carabosse repeated with a puzzled look. "But what?"

"You should've cursed the creature to die, instead you are just sending her to sleep," Achlys critiqued, just like a professor would to a student.

"A sleep that she will not wake from..." Carabosse corrected him, confusion still pinching at her brow.

"You're sure about that?"

"What do you mean? That's how I cursed her, to sleep and not be able to waken up!" Carabosse rushed into her defensive explanation. "I cursed her that way, so that she is forever in sight but out of reach. Surely that is worse than just killing the child!"

"I understand your angle, Carabosse," Achlys said calmly then brought his hand around her shoulders. "But look," he instructed as he drew her closer to the pool. He pointed to the water, encouraging her to look into it; to show her exactly what he expected would happen next.

She gazed into the rippling liquid and there she saw Cezanne holding tightly to the petite shoulders of the smallest fairy out of the seven gift givers - Lille. Her small, orange-clothed body shook with nervousness as she stared up at her sister.

"You are the only one who can do this! We have already given our gifts. You know this is the only way!" Cezanne pleaded with the small fruit fairy. "Please Lille, do this for me, for all of us. Cast this spell to save dear Aurora from the bite of Carabosse's terrible curse!"

"B-but I-I am not s-strong enough!" Lille's doubts tumbled out of her in a trembling stammer.

"Just try your best, I beg you, Lille. You're our only hope!"

Cezanne's evident desperation manifested through welling tears, and eventually Lille knew she had no choice but to give in.

"Okay, I'll t-try..."

The Dark FairyOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz