Chapter Twenty

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Carabosse ended up staying inside the princess's mind longer than she planned; she ended up sitting beside her on the dusty floor. Her black wings acted like a sort of backrest for the pair of them and they sat in peaceful quiet, as conversation began to lull.

Carabosse took in her gloomy surroundings with a disapproving scowl.

"Gracious! What an awful place this is," she declared, breaking the silence.

"You're telling me!" Aurora muttered and looked away from the fairy seated beside her.

"How could you bear to be in such a place all this time?" Carabosse asked as she glanced from cobweb to dusty cobweb.

"I had no choice did I?" Aurora could not hide her frustration within her response.

"What do you mean you had no choice?"

"Are you kidding? I am trapped here! You trapped me here!" An uncharacteristic fire burned in the princess's eyes as she spoke.

"I trapped you in a sleeping curse that is true," Carabosse explained calmly, not at all phased by the girl's anger. "But, Princess, this is your dream world. You have full control over your own mind," she added with a smirk.

"What do you mean?"

"I mean, you can make this room look however you want it to look." The dark fairy then took another quick glance at the gloomy, sad looking room. "Clearly you have let your emotions get to you, all your worries, fears, loneliness..."

"Can you blame me?" Aurora responded defensively. "I don't know when I'll be able to wake again. If I will wake again. What is happening to my body while I am trapped in sleep? Will I wake to be an old woman? Am I wasting away? Am I missing out on my whole life? Have my friends and family forgotten about me? Have they replaced me?"

"You really do have a lot of questions inside that young head, don't you Princess?"

"I wouldn't have so many if you just answered them!" Aurora snapped suddenly, getting to her feet in a temper.

"Sit back down, don't exhaust yourself," Carabosse said with a calm tone that only annoyed the princess more.

"How can I possibly exhaust myself? I am asleep. You have trapped me in this nightmare forever!"

The dark fairy gave a nonchalant shrug, leant her head back against her warm, soft, raven wings and closed her eyes with a peaceful sigh.

"It's not fair!" Aurora whined. "You can just sit there without a care in the world!"

"You could always join me."

"I don't want to!"

"Please yourself," Carabosse breathed and shuffled her shoulders as she got herself more comfortable on her seat on the dirty floor.

"Why are you here? Are you only here to upset me?" the princess huffed, crossing her arms across her lilac bodice.

"I could leave," suggested Carabosse and moved to get up from her position, making the looming darkness squeeze uncomfortably at Aurora's heart.

"No!" she said in a panic.

"Alright, I'll stay for a little while longer," Carabosse sat back down, as Aurora desperately calmed her stressed bursts of breath.

"Humans are strange things," Carabosse mused. "You live your short lives letting your fears dictate your every move."

"Others are lucky, they're getting to live their short lives. I've had mine taken from me!" Aurora mumbled, whilst she took a new seat a few feet away from her dark companion.

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