As the performance went on, Wooyoung got another close-up during the chorus. In that moment, San widened his eyes, and his face turned a bright tone of red. He considered a great luck to see it only through a screen, because holding it in person would have been... Not possible? Deadly? Embarrassingly? Yes, all of that.

Soon after, the group came back into the changing room, and was greeted with many shouts from the others. This caused a crowd of people to yell, jump and laugh around, like there wasn't a competition anymore.

"You were so cool!"

"Man, what a syncro between you all!"

"You weren't lying said you were going to be cool af. Man, I wasn't ready to this." Seonghwa scoffed Wooyoung and slapped his head, a proud smile on his lips. San joined him a while after. His dimpled smile was totally in contrast with his appearance, with red eyeshadow and even the piercing, which caught his attention again.

"You did so good, Woo, I'm really proud! Your stage presence improved a lot! I think this concept is perfect for you." San said brushing his shoulder. The other shivered, responding with a shy smile. All the coolness he wanted to keep had disappeared at the sight of San's soft look on his face.

Now, it was their turn to break the stage. Wooyoung gave a little pat on his friends' hips before letting them go. That's when a light suddenly turned on in his mind: Monster! That was the song! It was obvious for the outfit and everything. They were both dancing to a EXO song.

Now that he guessed, he felt a bit worse. He loved that song, and San was going to be the center for sure. He wasn't ready. He couldn't imagine that the other had just felt the exact same way.

The boys walked on the stage as the first group and the lights went off. Then, a familiar sound broken the air. That song was so iconic that, of course, everyone knew it. Wooyoung screamed a lot hearing it, confirming his previous theory.

As the performance went on, San got his part, when he had to climb on the other members' legs. And it was already enough to make Wooyoung feel weak: that dark concept was more than perfect for his charisma. He really looked like it was the most natural thing ever to do that facials, when everyone else could only look like a roasted potato.

The ending part, with the high note and everything, made him gasp, since San got another close up, to which he wasn't prepared. When the song ended, Wooyoung left a sigh of relief. He basically jumped into San as he came back. The older, of course, was shocked by that. Jung Wooyoung taking the initiative of hugging him? In front of everyone?

"You. Were. Insane." He said with the proudest smile ever, keeping his head close with a hand behind the other's neck, then pulled away not to bother him. But San wasn't bothered in any way but that closeness. He smiled back, his back covered of goosebumps for that action. Again, the smile was the opposite as his general look.

Wooyoung then looked at Seonghwa, who also did a very great performance.

"You guys were perfect for this concept, seriously!" he said referring to him and Hongjoong. Then, Yeosang arrived to say something to Seonghwa, and Wooyoung shut his mouth. He wasn't sure about it, especially considering the relationship between San and Seonghwa, but the way Yeosang kept chasing the taller and looked at him was suspicious. Hongjoong sat next to him and they started talking randomly.

This went on for a while, since now they were airing the videos of some days before. San was sitting right next to Wooyoung when their video appeared, and that's when the shorter one put his hand on the other thigh unconsciously, giving him a proud baby smile which melted his heart. He was a proud baby of his creation. And he wasn't worried, not at all, since the winners of the performances weren't going to change the elimination setting: which is, even if the winner team, they still could be kicked off if in the last places of the ranking. But this also meant there was no way to fear the lost. Moreover, Wooyoung had a pretty high ranking the previous week, almost close to the first eight, so he was confident.

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