PART 9 - Chapter 6

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PART 9 - Chapter 6

“It’ll be alright, Pretty.”

I’m almost fearful to see who is holding me. I know whatever I’m feeling is just me being thankful for this person being there for me, but another part of me is intoxicated by the thought that someone is willing to be this gentle. His hand tightens on our interlaced fingers and I can feel him move to look down at me. My eyes glance up in apprehension and instant recognition waves over me.

It’s Rick: the cook’s nephew and the aerialist-in-training. His dark brown eyes look to me with concern, making his nose look bigger than it already is. He sits me up while I twitch my fingers to get feeling back in them.

Rick and I have maybe spoken three times. Two of those times can’t count since I was only asking how his new costume tights felt during his fitting. The one time I have spoken to him was our introduction made by Masque a year ago. I think she may have had a thing for him then but I could never see it. He looked way too… geeky, even for someone just out of his teenage years. I don’t mean to sound conceited but he’s just weird.

After one last large inhale from me, Rick lets go of my hand and proceeds to sit next to me in the grass. It’s a bit unexpected but he just waits. Westley never does that. He always makes sure I do as he says but Rick is just staring politely. His eyebrows rise and fall as if to question me but still he remains silent.

“Thanks,” I mutter in the silence. He nods his head and stays seated.

“It’s cool.” He waves me off. His fingers start to pick at the worn grass in front of him. It’s so juvenile but it makes me smile nonetheless. “Bad day?”

“Pretty much.” I let my messed up ponytail loose and hear him laugh lightly. He throws the grass at me and smiles.

“I see what you did there.” He winks at me and it takes me a second to realize my unintended pun. I smile at the ground sheepishly while the wind quietly blows hair into my face. The grey day makes this moment even more awkward but somehow Rick keeps a kind smile on his face.

“So what is your name?” He stands up and brushes his pants off. When I stumble as I get to my feet, he holds a hand out. I take it and he pulls me with more strength than I had thought he had. I almost press into him, making me blush.

“Pretty,” I say, saying it as obvious as possible. He already said my name…

“No, not that name, I mean,” he clears his throat starts again. “What’s your real name?”

Nobody has asked me directly for my birth name in so long. I mean, Masque telling it to Feather was one thing, but he wanted to know from me. I’m so not used to this.

“Uh… Angela.”

“Why don’t you sound sure?” I look down and open my mouth to answer but I realized I still was pressed against him and holding his hand. Stepping back, I let go with a blush to my cheeks. His hands went to their pockets and I could see his face color a bit too.

“I think I should go.” The heat of the day and awkwardness of the conversation makes me unzip my jacket, exposing my plain workout bra. Rick’s eyes look to the ground at my half state of dress. It doesn’t bother me since my skin so used to being on display for the show but I guess the intimacy of this moment made him feel a bit uncomfortable. I fold my jacket over my arms and step back. “Thanks for…that.”

“It’s cool. I know how they feel.”

“What?” I shake my arms from unwanted goosebumps and shift my weight from foot to foot.

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