Game Night

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Two weeks ago
           Sherlock and John were at the crime scene with Mycroft and Lastrade. It looked like after Moriarty died, Sebastian Moran decided to end his life and commit suicide.
    ,,Sherlock, come here and sign some papers" said Lastrade.
 ,,No." And with that Sherlock went behind John to hide from Lastrade.

 ,, You are such a child! Mycroft,  can you please come and sign the papers for  your brother?"
  ,, It will be my plesure, Inspector Lastrade."

  Mycroft and Lastrade left and Sherlock whispered in John's ear.
    ,, They like eachother."
    ,, Yes. I'll give them 2 weeks."

   ,,No,Mycroft is very stubborn and George oblivious. I'll give them 1 month."

 ,, Let's make a bet. If you lose ,you're gonna do what I want for a whole day. And if I lose...
   ,, You're going to tell me where did you hide my stash. Deal?"
    ,, Deal."

Present day

         Lastrade was going to throw a party at his house,  and John finally convinced Sherlock to go with him. He said he was gonna make an important announcement.
Some hours later

       ,, I want to say something important. And you, my friends , should  know before the reporters. I am dating Mycroft Holmes,the British Gouverment."
         Everyone started clapping and cheering for the new couple. Only Sherlock was a little bit upset because he just lost a bet and he must do what John wanted for a whole day.
          When the party came to an end , Sherlock and John were driven home by one of  Mycroft's car. Sherlock drank just a glass of wine, but John was completly drunk.   

,, Sherlawk, tomorow you must do what  I waaaant! I could tell you to do a backflip,  or to say that I am smarter,  or let me tickle you until you run out of breath,OR ALL OF THE ABOVE."
,,Please, Jawn. Not now. I am tired and I wanna go to sleep."

 ,, Can I sleep with you? Pleaaase?"


 ,,Why? But I really wanna sleep with my Sherlawk" John made a grumpy face and tried to make his best puppy eyes , but Sherlock wasn't falling for that. 


,, I am too tired to argue. At least,can you carry me to my bedroom?"

,,Fine. I will carry you to your room."
  Sherlock lifted John bride style and John put his head on Sherlock's chest  listening
 and counting  his heartbeats. When Sherlock wanted to put John in the bed he realized that John was asleep. He softly put the blanket on him and kissed his forehead.

  The next day, John awoke  with a headache.  But that didn't matter because today was the day. Sherlock will do what John wants. Suddently he remembered everything that happened last night. He was so embarrassed.
    John went to the kitchen and started making  tea. He heard footsteps and looked back at Sherlock. He was wearing only his white sheet, a usual thing. John poured the tea in the cups and gave Sherlock his cup. Sherlock took a sip of it and imediatly jumped of his armchair and spat the tea all over John.

,,Oh God, it burned like hell! I am so sorry John.Let me help you." Sherlock quickly grab a towel and gave it to John.

,,Sherlock, why would you do that? Why on me? You could spit it on yourself."

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