Professor Aizawa walks in the room to start class.

Professor Aizawa: Good morning class. Today we will be planning U. A. University's annual Spring Fling.

Y/n: Spring Fling ?

Professor Aizawa: Class 1-A is in charge of coming up with the theme and festivities this year. Spring Fling is a couple months away, but we need to start brainstorming and planning. You will be following the instructions of your class president, Iida.

Professor Aizawa takes his seat at his desk and falls into a deep slumber. Iida proudly walks to the front of the room.

Iida: Salutations fellow classmates. We should start brainstorming for Spring Fling. First off, let's establish a theme.

Mineta: How about Hooters theme where the girls wear-

Girls of 1-A: NO !

Mineta sulks in his seat.

Mina: How about space themed ?

Iida: Hmmm good idea.

Momo: Well I would like a Great Gatsby theme.

Hagakure: How about a masquerade ?

Bakugo: What's the point ? No one can see you anyway.

Kirishina: Hey man, chill.

Y/n: Maybe an under the sea type theme could be cool ?

Kirishima: How about a red and black theme ? I'd like to see my Ruby Riot in a Ruby colored fit. Plus, those are some pretty manly colors.

You turn around in shock to see Kirishima giving you a flirty look with his eyes. Your face starts to burn. The class goes silent and Iida looks over at Kirishima with a puzzled expression.

Iida: ....Ruby Riot ?

Denki: Get a room you two.

Sero: Really ? That's not what you said to Jirou last-

Denki and Jirou's face flush bright red.

Denki: Shut up.

Iida: Lets get back on track please.

Deku: How about a carnival ? We can get clowns and-

Bakugo: -Why get a clown when you already fit the requirements to be one ?

Deku: Kacchan, was that really necessary...?

Uraraka: I agree with Deku, a carnival would be so fun !

Mina: It's getting kind of quiet over there, Todoroki. What theme do you want ?

Todoroki: Oh, I haven't really thought about it.

Mina: Oh come on Todoroki, give us something.

Todoroki looks around the room to see the class waiting for an answer.

Todoroki: Fire and ice theme.

The class burts out into laughter. Todoroki has a confused look on his face.

Todoroki: I missed the joke.

Bakugo: How conceited, only you'd chose the theme to be your quirk, icyhot.

Todoroki: I don't see you coming up with any themes, Bakugo.

Bakugo: Do you think I care about this stupid Spring Fling ?

Ruby Riot: Kirishima x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now