~Chapter 10~

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The next morning you wake up in Kirishima's arms. You look up to find him looking down at you.

Kirishima: Good Morning Ruby Riot, you're finally awake.

His deep morning voice sends chills down your spine, it causes you to giggle.

Y/n: Good morning.

Kirishima: How did you sleep ?

Y/n: I slept great, but I was safe in your arms after all. How about you ?

Kirishima: I slept great. But one thing, you snore pretty loud.

Your face feels hot.

Y/n: What ?! I don't snore, there's no way !

You fumble with your words. Kirishima laughs.

Kirishima: I'm just teasing you, Ruby Riot, it was funny getting a reaction out of you though.

You sigh a breath of relief.

Kirishima: I should get going, I know you have class in an hour, but I'll see you at class 1-A. Make sure to eat and hydrate, I don't want you passing out again.

Y/n: Okay okay I promise, Dad.

Kirishima: I'm being serious. Hydrate.

Kirishima steps up to you and gives you a quick kiss. He leaves your room. You start your day by heading to your classes. Before heading to class 1-A you grab a snack and a bottle of water. When you arrive to the classroom, everyone asks if you're alright. You reassure your classmates that you're fine and that it wouldn't happen again. You take your seat in front of Kirishina.

Y/n: Hey !

Kirishima: Hey! Did you hydrate and have a snack ?

You hold up your empty bottled water and apple core as prof. Kirishima looks relieved. He opens his backpack and removes something from it.

Kirishima: I wasn't sure if you were going to consume something before class, so I packed you a turkey sandwich and a bottled water. Yesterday I told you that I don't carry snacks with me, but I'm going to start packing some for you just in case you need it.

Y/n: How sweet, he didn't have to do all that. He really took his time to perfect that sandwich, it looks delicious.

Y/n: Kirishima.....you didn't have to-

Kirishima: -I care about you, Ruby Riot, your health is important to me. Now take a bite and have some water.

You take a big bite of the turkey sandwich as Kirishima anticipates your response.

Kirishima: I know I'm not the best in the kitchen, but I-

Y/n: Mmmm, it's delicious. Thank you, baby.

Kirishima starts to blush and lets out a nervous giggle.

Kirishima: Oh, it's no problem.

Y/n: Here, take half of it. Won't you eat ?

Kirishima: Huh ? I made it for you, Ruby Riot. Are you sure you want to share it ?

Y/n: Of course. Here, have some.

You give Kirishima the other half of the sandwich. He takes a bite.

Kirishima: Hey, not bad at all.

You finish your half of the sandwich and the water Kirishima gave you. He looks at you with a relieved expression knowing that your quirk will be at it's best today.

Ruby Riot: Kirishima x Readerحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن