Chapter 17. Can't Keep it Up

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Red shifted back away from Leonard and rubbed away his tears.

"Just get out of here... Why can't you just let me live my life when I finally have everything going right...?"

"Because i can't live without you... i know that sounds selfish but you're the best thing that has happened to me."
Leonard stood up and stepped closer to the silent Red.

"I promise you my love for you is all me."
Red shifted his head slightly to listen to Leonard.

"I will do anything for you to know that."
Red finally turned around, his eyes back to being teary. Leonard stepped closer, stopping right in front of the heart-stricken Red. Leonard wrapped his arms around Red and pulled him close, allowing Red to bury his head into his chest and embrace him. Red body began to shiver as more tears overflowed Reds emotions. Leonard softly rubbed his head in comfort, holding back his own tears.

"I'm sorry that things have been so rough for you... i wish i could have changed that for you."
Red kept on weeping, just tightening his grip on Leonards shirt. Leonard leaned down and softly kissed Reds head, moving some of his hair to the side.

"Just let it all out."
Both Leonard and Red stood there for a moment just holding one another as Red slowly calm down and eventually realised that Leonard truly did love him.

Red looked back up at Leonard who looked down at him with a genuine smile. Leonard moved his hands up to Reds cherry cheeks and pulled him closer into a passionate kiss. Red held Leonards calm hands and returning the kiss. It felt like an eternity standing there but eventually it stopped and Red felt Leonards warm again.

"I can't..."
Red mumbled, looking down at the ground, his hands shaking in Leonards arms.

"You cant, what?"

"I can't do this... if anyone knows about this I'll be"-

"They don't have to know, I just want to be with you."
Leonard cupped Reds soft cheeks. Red's now dilated eyes.

"If it means our relationship will be a secret, I don't care."
Red brushed his face against Leonards hand, closing his eyes and feeling the warmth from his hands.

"I love you..."
Red mumbled, feeling a complete sense of safety and comfort. Leonard smiled back at his sweet face rested on his hand.

"I love you too."
Leonard moved his hand around Reds for a hug, hugging him tightly. Red awoke to the glimmering sun just barely hitting his face. Something in front of him was covering the glare of the morning shine. Red cracked his eyes open slowly to see a larger figure lying beside him. A smile appeared across his face with relief, reaching his hand out for the other mans hand. it was still warm as the other hand wrapped around Reds smaller hand as well. Leonard slightly opened one eye, looking ahead at Red.

"Morning dear."
Red blushed rapidly to the little pet name, pulling the blanket further over him out of surprise.

Red replied back, squeezing Leonards hand tighter to feel his skin against his. Leonard used his free arm to push himself up, leaning towards Red and kissing him sweetly on his forehead. Leonard turned away, to get out of the bed but his hand was still being gripped by Red. Leonard looked back also not wanting to let go. Red saw Leonard turn around and had to take a moment to realise he wanted his hand back.

"Oh! sorry..."
Red apologized, ripping his hand back and sitting up on his bed. Hugging the red blanket tightly to his chest.

"It's okay."
Leonard assured, rubbing Reds arm before standing up and grabbing his casual clothes which were placed on a nearby chair.

"Now we both have worn each others pjs haha."
Leonard joked, showing off Reds old pjs that were a bit too small for him.

"Hehe yeah, who would have guessed that coincidence.

"Yeah, and maybe sometime we could try no clothing next."
Leonard winked, making Red redder than his blanket, only covering his face with it. Leonard lightly laughed at his flustered partner, finally walking towards the stairs to go change. Suddenly Leonard froze in place. Downstairs stood that similar bright yellow jumper. Reds friend who Leonard hasn't really had the best encounters with so far. Chuck. He was facing away from Leonard, seemingly looking around or waiting. Leonard didn't know what to do, but he know the best thing to try to get back to Red and get him to hopefully distract Chuck so Leonard can quickly escape. Leonard quickly crept back upstairs, basically jumping back in the room and towards Red, startling him immediately.

"What's wrong?"
Red was quick to ask as Leonard just held him tightly by the arms out of fear.

"Quick, your speedy friend is downstairs."
Red had to process everything for a moment, still half asleep.

"Speedy friend? Chuck!? oh no."
Red quickly got out of bed and raced downstairs to see Chuck standing there. Chucks whole body jumped up once he saw Red, stars appearing in his eyes.

"Red! You are here!"

"Yeeeaah- what are you doing here?"
Red asked, covering as much of the upstairs doorway as possible.

"I was gonna ask ya if you wanted to come with Bomb and me to help Stella make flower crowns?"

"'Bomb and I'."
Leonard whispered, correcting Chuck. Red made sure to stealthily push him away to nicely quiet him a bit. But Chuck was able to hear that.

"What was that?"

"Oh it's nothing, um just something outside my window that's all."

"Oh, okay... well did ya want to come?"
Chuck queried, his eyes lighting up in excitement. Red rubbed his neck, hesitating his answer. He brushed his fingers over the small hickeys that were layered all over his neck.

"I think I'll just stay home today, but you guys have fun okay?"

"Oh, Are you feeling alright?"

"Yeah yeah! Just um... a bit *long exaggerated yawn* tired for today that's all."
Red rested his hands on his hips, pretending to stretch his arms to exaggerate his tiredness more.

"Oh okay, well then I'll see you later then."
Chuck waved, quickly walking back out Reds door. Red walked down the stairs and closed the door behind him, waving Chuck goodbye. Red sighed a sigh of relief, resting against the door as Leonard peaked out from behind the doorway.

"You owe me for that one."
Red decided, walking back up to Leonard.

"Thank you so much, that would have been so much explaining to do."
Leonard agreed, walking behind Red back to his bed.

"Yeah, which I'm not ready to do yet."
Red agreed again, turning towards Leonard.

Green Ham and Eggs [Angry Birds fanfic]Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz