Chapter 4. The Grand Exit

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Red sat back beside his unfinished home. He already lost hope in his home and took a break from fixing it, just sketching random things into the sand.

"You a really good artist, maybe you could draw me something sometime?"
A voice asked from behind Red. He turned around and saw Leonard towering over him, still with that innocent smile. Red quickly erased his sketch and stood up in front of Leonard.

"I don't know what you're thinking in that little head of yours but you and i aren't friends, and i don't want anything to do with you, i know you are up to something".
Red said firmly, glaring into Leonards eyes which slowly began to change to a disappointed look.

"I just thought i could help you out, ya know."

"How? by fixing my house?!"
Red exclaimed, pointing at his still wrecked house.

"Oh that? That'll take way too long to rebuild."
Leonard looked over again seeing all the peices on the ground then the little circle made by Red.

"Well you've been here long, I'm sure you have the time."

"Well i have a spare room, up on my ship, you could just use that instead."
Leonard offered, gesturing over to his ship but Red just laughed pathetically.

"In your ship? Ha in your dreams i ain't stepping one foot in that ship."
Red denied as he crossed his arms, making an imprint in the sand as Leonard just smirked.

"You don't have to."
Leonard simply said, as Red looked back in confusion before suddenly Leonard inched closer and lifted Red off from the ground and rested over Leonards shoulder,

"Hey! Put me down right now!"
Red demanded, waving his legs around.

"You said you didn't want to step one foot into my ship so I'll have to carry you in."

"I meant i didn't want to be in your ship, I'm perfectly fine out here!"

"Too late, i don't want you freezing to death outside my ship."
Red sighed a deep breath as Leonard walked up his mechanic stairs and onto his ship where he passed a couple doors before stopping. He placed Red down and opened the door. Revealing a small but comfortable room with a bed and a small desk and chair. Red slowly walked inside, still skeptical whether to trust him or not. He placed his hand on the bed and felt the silky soft covers and bounciness of the bed. Red finally sat down and fell back onto the soft bed and almost instant fell asleep. Leonard smiled in satisfaction as he quietly closed the door, then softly locked it from the outside, walking off towards a smaller guy that had been patiently waiting behind him.

"Is everything here now?"

"Yes sire."
The same little guy responded, saluting Leonard.

Leonard responded, walking back outside the ship, leaving Red inside to sleep comfortably. Chuck had felt guilty watching Red storm off after the argument between him and the judge and had decided to go check up Red to see if he was okay, but ran into some leaves as he watched Leonard calmly walk over to him.

Eventually watching Leonard take Red onto his boat and come back out few minutes after. Chuck hesitated whether he should tell the others or not as it seemed like Chuck and Bomb were the only ones that actually cared about him. Chuck rushed back to the group and closely stood beside Bomb glancing around as he rushed to think of what to say.

"Hey Chuck are you okay?"
Bomb asked, noticing Chucks erratic behaviour. Chuck tried to explain what he just saw but with all the stuttering and his speed of speech, Bomb couldn't really understand.

"Hold on, slow down buddy, breathe in."
Bomb said, resting his hands on Chucks shoulders as he took a deep breath in.

"Breathe out."
Bomb finished, motioning with one hand a breathing motion and Chuck followed, breathing out and finally calming down.

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