Chapter 3. Not Welcomed Here

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The sun awoke Red from his tiring slumber, helping him forget his disheveled home.

Red blinked his eyes a couple times, sitting up to shake the pieces of sand off, as well as a soft red blanket that covered him. Red inspected the silk blanket, he didn't remember having a blanket when he fell asleep.

Red threw the blanket off and stood up, looking over towards the entrance of the village with all the small people happily chatting with one another and walking around casually. Everyone seemed to be enjoying their day while Red was about to dread his. Red trotted towards his boring classroom, where everyone was already waiting for him. As soon as he arrived everyone stood up and exited the room, making Red groan, rolling his eyes as he walked back out of the room.

"Now since we had a little issue expressing ourselves yesterday."
Matilda began, standing on a yoga mat in yoga pants with a singlet saying 'happiness is key'.

"We shall, instead of controlling our anger through words, control it through movements."
Matilda added stretching her arms back and forth.

"Oooo yoga always helps me stay flexible."
Chuck cheered excitedly, bending forwards, successfully touching his toes.

"Now first pose we'll be doing is some practise stretches so follow after me."
Matilda began, slowly separating her legs so one was in front of her and the other was behind her. Then she levelled her arms to her shoulders and twisted side to side, with everyone except Red following her. Red just sigh heavily as he looked around the peaceful area with people calmly sitting by trees and eating lunches they probably made at home. Something Red wanted to be doing right now.

'This can't get any worse...'

Red thought still looking around, until he saw a familiar green singlet and groaned, covering his eyes. He could now see Leonard along with the judge and tour guide, wondering around the park. Red eyed Leonard suspiciously until Leonard suddenly looked over towards his direction and caught Red staring at him. Red quickly jerked back towards his class who were now doing the downward dog position. Matilda looked and saw Red standing still, stood back up and balanced her hands on her hips.

"Red, you need to also do the poses, you can't just stand there like a lost goose."
Red just sighed as he slowly bent down and tried to pose, closely reaching the ground as his legs ached in pain. Red shook as he stretched his limbs to stay in position. Only then did he really know how unflexible he was.

"And this is one of our many parks, where a lot of our native birds live in."
Someone could be heard saying from behind Red. Red looked back still upside down and saw Leonard looking over at his direction. Staring down at Red. Red wanted to scream at him but he held his frustration in and continued the pose. Everyone was now moving to a new pose where you placed one leg up straight then placed the hand on the opposite side, up.

Everyone was breezing through it except for Red who struggled at keeping his balance, leaning from side to side and trying to keep his arms and legs straight. Red was finding it hard to stay up until he felt a pair of hands on his leg and hand supporting him up. He looked to his side and saw Leonard crouching there, holding him up.

"You got it now, looked like you could use some help."
Leonard smiled sweetly but Red jumped back, immediately falling over on his butt. Embarrased, Red stood up and glared down at Leonard.

"I don't need your help."
Leonard kept crouching, looking up at Red in surprise.

"I just thought you could use some?"

"Oh i didn't know you do yoga? Why don't you do some then?"
Red asked sarcastically.

"Red, he was only trying to be helpful, stop making problems!"
Judge Peckinpah intruded, whispering to Red, away from Leonard. Leonard stood back up, an innocent smile still plastered on his face.

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