Chapter 8. Piggy Pjs

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In the morning the sun shimmered through the small windows into the room and the crashing waves outside awoke Red, opening his eyes lazily, rubbing them as he slowly sat up.

"Good morning."
A deep voice welcomed. Red looked over to the side to see Leonards side of the bed empty and him instead sitting on a nearby chair, drinking a cup of coffee, smiling at Red.

"Uh... morning."
Red muttered still in a daze. Leonards eyebrow raised as his smile grew bigger in which Red shifted his eyebrows in confusion.

"Are they comfortable?"
Leonard asked, gesturing over to Red. Red at the moment didn't realise what he was talking about until he looked down and remembered he was wearing the pig pjs that Leonard had offered. Red quickly wrapped a blanket around him, covering his face as he responded.

"Shut up... They're... alright..."
Red lied again, not wanting to admit that it was the coziest thing Red had ever been in.

"Heh, well it suits you at least and nice to see you wear something other than baggy jacket of yours."
Leonard complimented, only making Reds face turn more red

"S-shut up..."
Red softly whispered, trying to seem intimidating but ending up looking like an angry puppy. Leonard just softly giggled as he placed down his cup and walked over to the side of the bed where Red still was residing.

"Well since you're awake now, why don't we go and get some breakfast?"
Leonard offered, raising a hand out to Red. Red looked at his hand then back at the angelic Leonard and then back at the hand. Red raising his eyebrows just twisted his body and got up himself.

"I don't need help getting out of bed."
Red pulled down his shirt a bit and then walked over to where he remembered he last placed his jacket.

"Alright, alright, you do you, man."
Leonard shifted back, watching the petite boy look around for something.

"If you're looking for your dirty jacket, i placed it in the wash for you."
Leonard mentioned with Reds eyes starting to glow red.

"You what?!"
Red screamed, turning around with fury. Leonard raised his hands in front of him, sorta surprised to see Red so flipped out about his jacket.

"It was super dirty, i thought I'd wash it for you."
Leonard defended, hoping that Red would calm down.

"But now I'm going to be stuck in these awful clothes!"
Red complained, looking down at his green shorts.

"Oh come on, they don't look that bad on you."
Leonard disagreed, actually liking to see Red in something other than his jacket. Red just glared at him, not liking the compliments.

"Well i guess you'll just have to wait a tiny bit as your jacket gets squeaky clean."
Red sighed, knowing then he'd have to stay in these embarrassing pig pjs.

"Fiine, but it better not take too long!"
Red demanded, walking back over to the bed.

"Heh where are you going?"
Leonard humored as Red layed back on the comfy mattress.

"I'm going back to sleep."
Red closed his eyes and slowly went to sleep so casually. Leonard just giggled as he walked over to the resting Red.

"Come on, it's daytime."
Leonard wrapped his hands underneath Red, causing him to turn around to see Leonard pick him up off the bed and into his arms.

"And we have so many fun things to do."
Leonard smiled sweetly, still holding Red in a bridal position.

"The first fun thing we do is you putting me down."
Red pointed downwards which Leonard followed unwillingly. Once Red was back on the bed he crossed his arms and tried to seem intimidating to the large man. Leonard sighed as he walked towards his bed, grabbing the nearby chair and sitting on it.

"How much longer are we going to have to wait?"
Red asked impatiently, giving Leonard a tiny smirk.

"You really like that jacket."
Leonard spoke up, intrigued at this guys interest in this one clothing choice.

"I wouldnt say i 'really like' it. It's just, something i always wear."
Red answered, sitting down on the comfortable bed.

"Oh i just have never seen you wear anything else."

"Well you don't know me, that's why."
Red defended, raising a finger with his arms still crossed.

"Well that speedy dude always wore something different at your little classes."
Leonard pointed out with Reds face mixing between a flustered and angered expression.

"You were watching my classes?!"
Red exclaimed, his brows furrowing downwards.

"Hey, i always just so happened to have a tour conveniently happen near you, okay."
Red calmed down, believing him but also still a little suspicious about him.

"Plus you aren't as innocent either, don't think i see you always staring at me."
Leonard began leaning forward in his fancy chair, waving a finger at Red. Red raised an eyebrow in anger embarrassment.

"What?! Psssh! Well i had to keep an eye on you!"
Red screamed as he spun around, trying to hide his red face. Leonard placed a hand over his mouth, covering his soft laughters at Red.

"Yeah, you'd be reeaal good as a spy, for sure."
Leonard laughed as Red turned back around.

"Well!... shut up..."
Red had no comeback and just gripped onto his pj shirt as his face turned red. Leonard sat back and smiled calmly at the view of Red looking all flustered.

"I can see you staring..."
Red called out, making direct eye contact with Leonard. Leonards eyes widened and he looked away also becoming embarrassed.

"Haha you caught me."
Both Leonard and Red were now quiet. Red was about to speak when the door suddenly opened.

"Sir, you requested this."
A little soldier waltzed inside, holding something that was a light red.

"My jacket."
Red said with relief. Red stepped closer to Leonard who now held his most dearest thing- his jacket.

"Aah yes thank you Jerry."
The solider bowed his head as he swiftly left. Leonard got up and handed it over to Red, whose face lit up with so much joy. Red immediately took the jacket, unzipping it and wrapping it around himself. After zipping it back up he buried his face in his jacket with the biggest smile.

"You sure seem to like it."
Leonard added as he still watched Red admire his jacket. Red hid his arms in his pocket, looking up at the tall Leonard.

"I am just happy to not be in such short clothing."
Leonard couldn't argue and just was happy that Red was comfortable.

Green Ham and Eggs [Angry Birds fanfic]Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon