Chapter 6. Stay Calm for Now

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Leonard asked, entering an empty room, where in the middle sat Red, with his arms tied behind the chair.

"Not even slightly..."
Red mumbled, slouching forward as much as he could.

"Well you know i was going to put you in a nicer room, but plans change ya' know."
Leonard answered stepping a few inches closer to Red.

"But don't worry you won't be like that for long, I'll untie you once you're calm and promise not to explode."
Leonard promised as Red thought about his chances. If he could get just enough of his trust he could easily escape.

"Fine... I'm calm, i won't try and attack your dumb face."

"Mmm i don't know if i believe you right now..."
Leonard was still skeptical of Red, staying still. Red took a deep breath and sighed, showing that he was calm.

"I promise i won't try anything."
Red stated again now sounding as calm he can. Staring at Leonard with sincere eyes. Leonard looked down at him with enjoyment.

"Alright, i trust ya."
Leonard said walking around Red and untying him, giving him full ability of his hands again. Red held back all of his urges to not just attack Leonard right then and there and stayed motionless, still in the seat.

"Wow, this is the calmest I've seen you, little guy."
Leonard said tossing the ropes to the side nonchalantly as Red finally stood up.

"I have a name, it's Red."
Red said, quietly, facing towards Leonard.

"Red? Oh yeah the short dude would always scream your name, although i should of expected that heh."
Leonard said, standing beside Red, showing how tall Leonard was compared to Red.

"Well, Red, I'll show you to your room."
Leonard said resting an arm on Reds shoulder on the opposite side of him. Red just gagged internally, feeling his personal bubble burst. Leonard led Red to another room, which seemed very similar to his previous room just without the desk and chair.

"Now hopefully you can't pick up the bed too or else you will be having a sore back."
Leonard stated, standing by the doorway as Red lazily looked around the empty room.

"And plus my rooms right next door so ya' don't need to go far to find me."
Leonard added, expecting Red to thank him or something.

"I can't think of any reason where I'd need to find you."
Red answered back, raising an eyebrow. Leonard just smiled, letting out a small laugh.

"Hey I'm just saying, you never know what might happen.".
Leonard smiled at Red, like that was suppose to mean anything.

"Riiight... well I'm sure that i won't ever need your help but... thanks for the offer, i guess."
Red continued, sounding sarcastic.

"Hehe well if you say so..."
Leonard said raising his one hand as he quickly closed Reds door while Red was still inside. Reds eyes widened in shock.

Red ran over to the door and moved the handle but it was locked again, Red started to bang on the door.

"Hey open the door!"
Red screamed but then there was silence.

"Are you saying you need my help?"
Leonard joked from the other side of the door. Red just gritted his teeth as he leaned against the door, embarrased by what he actually has to say.

"... yes... i need your help."
Red softly spoke with rattling being heard from outside. The door opened slowly, showing a smirking Leonard, holding back laughter.

"See looks like you did need my help."
Leonard added smiling like a child.

"That's because you locked me in!"
Red protested, admittedly letting a bit of his anger out.

"Fine fine, but next time for sure you would need my help."
Leonard kept on.

Red brushed off, now gripping onto the door so that Leonard doesn't close it again.

"Now that we've seen your room, why don't we both go look at mine."
Leonard suggested, again wrapping an arm around Red, hugging him close as he led him to the next door.

"We reeeaally don't need to."
Red rejected, trying to stop his feet from moving forward.

"Oh come on now! What better things do you have to do?"
Leonard questioned, opening up his door.

'To get back home that's what'

Red thought to himself as he glanced inside and saw bright gold and green colours sparkled all over the room. Inside was Leonard large king bed with curtains to each side of it and beside it a large wooden wardobe with markings in the wood and a table specifically for sweets and candy or other foods. Red was taken aback by such luxury, compared to his small room.

"This is your room?"

"Of course, well it's much smaller compared to my actual room."
Leonard answered, letting Red look around.

"Your actual room?"
Red asked, turning back towards Leonard.

"Of course, back on my home island of course, i don't live on a ship."
Leonard joked his belly moving up and down as he laughed. Afterwards, watching Red inspect all his stuff with astonishment and interest.

"Do you like my room?"
Leonard then asked, slowly walking towards him. Red looked away from the decorated wardrobe to face Leonard.

"Well, um it's- it's a nice room, compared to any other room I've seen."
Red stuttered, leaning against the wardobe, fiddling with his fingers, surprised by the question and how close Leonard was at that moment.

"You could live with me."
Leonard offered, looking down at the small human.

"Live? Like in this room?"
Red questioned, confused whether he meant stay in the room or stay with Leonard.

"Um yeah *cough* i mean in my room."
Leonard fake coughed as he corrected himself, slightly confusing Red. Red thought about the question and noted he could use this to figure out a way to escape but that also he had never shared a room with anyone before or been that close for matter a fact, but it also seemed more comfortable.

"Um well you don't have a second bed..."

"We can share a bed- i-i have a king bed which I'm sure would be big enough for the both of us."
Leonard also began to stutter, stepping closer and then stepping back, starting to act nervous and sorta flustered.

"Um well then, it'll beat the empty room with one bed i guess..."
Red accepted, burrying his head deep in his jumper. Leonard smiled with delight and went back to his cheery self.

Leonard shouted, ecstatic. With Red looking at him with surprise, not having actually seen this man so happy before. Leonard quickly looked away, noticing Reds weird glance and went back to his cool expression.

"I mean, cool. I will make sure to get you some spare of clothes then."
Leonard continued, heading towards the door.

"Stay here and I'll be right back."
Leonard then left the room, leaving Red there bewildered by Leonards strange behaviour.

'Never seen him so cheery before...'

Red thought as he stepped away from wardrobe, looking over the king sized bed.

'but then again i don't know him at all...'

Red stepped closer and felt the cushions. They were even softer than the ones Red slept on. Red couldn't help himself and fell right onto the bed, feeling the silky sheets and cushions below him. Red feeling his eyes carefully blink, slowly closed them and drifted off to sleep on the bed subconsciously.

Not much time came by before Red was awoken by sudden sounds of footsteps. Red kept his eyes close, still in a daze and wanted to fall back asleep. But the feeling of someone watching him kept him from comfortably falling asleep. Annoyed Red finally opened his eyes and sat up to hope to see no one there. But instead saw Leonard, only inches away from his face.

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