Chapter 10: A New Friend

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Hello! I want to update more since I finally know what to do with this story so expect more frequent updates. Thank you for Reading!

I Don't know why that Interaction felt weird. We were friends but for a moment we felt like strangers. The whole phone call was bothering me but i'll just ignore it and tell Gou i'm on my way.

[Hey Gou. I Bought the things so i'm on my way.  You're still coming, right?] I text him.

[Yeah, I'm still coming! I'm nearby so I should be there soon. See ya there.] He replies.

25 Minutes later

Once I finally get to where Serena is staying, I go up to her floor.  When I get to the hallway that leads to her room, I see a black haired boy near her door. There's no reason why he should be there  so I walk over to him to ask him why he's in front of Serena's door.

"Uhh, Hey. What are you doing here?" I ask the boy.

"Oh, Pardon me. I came to this girl's room to see if she was okay. I'm a Pokemon coordinator and I saw her performance a couple days ago. We worked a couple times together since they teach both Performers and Coordinators here." he says.

"Since no one has really seen her recently, I wanted to see if she was-" He says as a phone message tone cuts him off.

Once he reads the message, he surprisingly doesn't react weirdly at all .

"Alright, since you seem like you were coming here in the first place, You seem to be friends with her. I can come back another day." He says with a smile.

" Oh No, It's fine. You should stay. Me, Serena and a friend are going to make dinner and I'm sure they'll be glad to let you join us. You know Serena after all." I say.

He seemed nice so I wanted to get to know him. He was also a Pokemon Coordinator so maybe he would know about some of my friends that were also coordinators.

"Uhh.... I'll love to" He says as he laughs nervously.

I knock onto Serena's door and almost in an instant she opens the door.

"Ash!" Serena says excitedly .

" Oh. Why are you here?" Serena turns to the boy.

"I came to see if you were alright. People have been wondering if you were alright since you haven't gone out in a while." The boy says.

"Your friend told me you guys were making food and he invited me to join you all. It'll only stay if you're fine with it, though." The boy says.

"Oh....  Sure. Come in!" Serena says.

The boy then walks into her room. As I was going to enter the room as well, I hear Gou calling my Name from across the hallway.

"Ash! Come over here for a moment." Gou says.

I listen to him and walk over to him.

"What's up?" I ask him.

"That boy.. He was outside Serena's door for a couple of minutes. He was there when I got here but I Hid so he wouldn't see me. I hate to admit it but I was spying on him since he looked nervous." He says.

"Hmm... Maybe you're just overthinking. He seems like a nice guy." I tell him.

"Maybe you're right. Anyways, we should go in now." He says.

We Then walk into her room so we could prepare the food.

" Oh Yeah, I never asked for your name. What is it?" I ask the boy.

" Oh, Right! My name Is Calem! I've known Serena for only a couple of months. I'm a Pokemon Coordinator like I told you earlier. We rehearsed together a couple of times." Calem says.

"A Pokemon coordinator, huh? I've met many of those and a couple of my friends are coordinators . Anyways, My Name is Ash Ketchum. I Met Serena 2 years ago. I'm also Alola's First ever Champion. Ever since I was young I've Wanted to become a Pokemon Master." I tell him.

" That's Great to hear! What About you?" Calem says as he looks over to Gou.

"My Name is Gou! I just recently met Serena and I've only just met Ash too. I Want to catch every pokemon and eventually, I want to catch Mew." He says.

"We're both Researchers for a small lab in kanto. We went to Kalos and certain events led us to Hoenn. Sadly, We have to return In about a week." I Tell Calem.  

We talked as we cooked for a couple of hours before it turned dark outside. Calem and Gou said goodbye before they both left. Since I wanted to spend time with Serena, I was going to stay over for a couple of days until I had to leave.

4 Days Later, 10:30am.

Me and Serena spent the Next 4 days together. We did multiple activities together like a normal couple would. It was going to be hard leaving her behind but no matter what I was going to love her. Even if We were separated for years, I would still try my best to stay in contact with her. There were only about 2 days left until I had to go so we stayed alone together for the past couple of days. It was quite peaceful and quiet since we barely did anything loud but sometimes People would knock at Serena's door and we would just ignore them until they left.

 Sometimes Serena would forget about her performance and become instantly happy for a while until she would then remember her performance and get instantly sad. She would often cry on my shoulder while I tried to comfort her.  

When I woke up Serena was still asleep so I walked over to her kitchen to make her a small breakfast. I noticed the phone was still unplugged but since the past couple of days were so nice and peaceful, i left it unplugged. 

As I was cooking, My phone began to vibrate. I checked my phone and I found out it was a call.

It was a number I Didn't recognize but I still answered it.

"Hello? Who is this?" I ask the person on the phone.

" It's Me, Misty. I wanna see you. Where are you? Can I come over?" She asks.

I Haven't updated twice a week in a long time lol. Maybe I should update again this week : )  Anyways, it wasn't such a good chapter but whatever it was somewhat important. Thanks for reading!

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