" Elaborate " Was the only thing I could reply with. " The eating disorder" He looked over at the other then drew his attention back to me. " I don't know '' It was true. I didn't want to eat it but it hasn't gone long enough for me to prove what it is, but knowing in my mind it probably is. " Y/n we both know it's bad for you, please don't fall back down that rabbit hole " He frowned.

" I'm trying. I really am but I only got one thread left keeping me together. If that gets cut I'm screwed " I sighed. " What's that thread represent? '' I could tell he felt bad but knew he could only do so much. " You all are my last thread. You the only ones I got left." I smiled and he returned it.

" Nice to hear but you should still look out for yourself. Self love is important too. " He smiled. " Yeah yeah you've told me many times. " I gave him a smile. '' Anyway you and tommy snuggling this morning " He wiggled his eyebrows. '' Nope sorry, It will still be just friends. " I lied . " Ugh this boys gonna kill me he should just ask you out already but wait until the airport I want my money" He laughed.

" Y/n come help me beat Ranboos ass in volleyball. '' Tommy yelled looking down at me. I smiled standing up. " Sure " I let out a soft laugh as Tommy pulled me away from my will. We made it to the net. " Have you ever played volleyball before" Tubbo asked.
" Yeah I played a lot with Josh in school. I never played games but I always join in practices' ' I shrugged.

*no I really how volleyball is played so time skip🙅*

"Hahah we won bitches' ' Tommy pointed and laughed in their faces. " No by much but it was a fair game, '' Tubbo yelled. Ranboo just huffed. " Aww Mr Boob can't always win. Work on passing to your teammate and you'll have a better chance " I knocked them. " It's not fair you've got a special connection with your love shit. You can practically read each other's minds at this point. " We all laughed.

"We're just friends" Tommy spoke up asking like we did before we were daring. I nodded agreeing. " Will you just go one a date already? It's horrible watching you guys flirt," Ranboo complained. Tommy rolled his eyes walking away. " Hey dream done with the paddle boards if you want to use them come over here" Will yelled. We all sprinted over. I went straight for the blue and purple one. " Suck my dick you bitches. " I celebrated and everyone burst out laughing.

" Pick who your sharing with" Will raised and eye brow. Tommy stated to jump up and down like a kid on Christmas. " I choose No one. I don't like to share" I hugged turning around picking up the paddle. " Aww come on share with me" Tommy wined everyone just started laughing. " No " I smiled. He ran over and picked me up tossing me over his shoulder. " No we're sharing" He laughed and looked at will who was recording a vlog for everyone.

" Fine " Tubbo and ranboo grabbed the white and blue one. Will and George grabbed a plain white one. Karl and alex decided to sit on the beach and live stream. I ran up and took off the sweater and shorts and joined Tommy in the water. We paddled out pretty far out and he started vlogging.

" We're in the deep dark ocean once again. I don't know how far I'll make it but if I die I want Phill to have the channel. " He made it sound like he was dying. " Your not dying bitch. Why not make them fight over you channel. Make them play a monopoly game with a fuckin watch guard to make sure they don't cheat. " I laughed.

" Well with you driving I won't make it another day. '' He rolled his eyes. " Well smart ass this isn't a car so I can't drive it. I'll have you know I'm a very good driver and you know it " I said confidently. " Yeah sure" He rolled his eyes. " Oh piss off!" I pushed him into the water and he didn't come back up. I began to panic. I dove down and pulled him up. He started to laugh One he got bored.

" It's not funny, I thought you were down. We're in the middle of the ocean anything could happen. '' I. Scold him while calming down my nerves. " It was very funny. '' He still laughed. I grabbed the paddle and started to paddle back. Luckily I was still dry.

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