Chapter Two

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You got out of bed and got dressed, putting the letter and a small pocket knife in your bag before leaving. You weren't stupid enough to go unarmed. After 20 minutes of walking, you arrived at a slightly rundown bar. You knocked on the door, your hand clutching the knife in your purse cautiously. Footsteps approached and the door slowly swung open to reveal a man with dark hair and beautiful blue eyes. Dark scars layered parts of his face and body and you could smell the fragrance of cigarettes and burnt wood. The man smirked at you, his eyes shamelessly taking in your appearance, "So, you actually came, princess. Come on in. The boss's waiting for you."

You stepped into the bar, the scent of old beer and mildew filling your nostrils. The un-named man leads you to another room just past the bar. A girl and two men were inside. One of the men turned to you. His hair was a light blue and his eyes were a bright red. The most noticeable feature was the hand on his face. He removed it, his eyes boring into your own, "So, (Y/n) (L/n), or should I say (Y/n) A-!"

You cut him off abruptly. You had already expunged that name from your mind and you had promised yourself that you would forever hate the man associated with it. And you never went back on your promises. Ever. "Just (Y/n) is fine. I don't associate with him anymore."

The blue-haired man snickered at you before recomposing himself. He leaned forward in his seat, a grin tugging at his lips. The other three in the room watch quietly, but their expressions show interest, "Fine. (Y/n), we want you to join us, the League of Villains. You're a valuable asset to us." You crossed her arms, still cautious of his intentions with you. You sighed, "Why do you want me to join so bad? I'm nothing special."

The man sat up straight, pulling a folder from off the table next to him. He flipped through the papers, careful to only let four fingers touch them. He looked at you as he stopped on the last page, "That's where you're wrong. Your quirk is useful for interrogations and extractions, among other things." You rose an inquisitive brow, choosing your words carefully before speaking to the leader of the rag-tag group in front of you. "So you want me to be an interrogator and this place's personal therapist? Is that it?"

The scarred man chuckled from his spot on a sofa in a corner. You caught his gaze, your eyes absentmindedly looking him over. He spoke, snapping you back to reality. "Looks like you're smarter than I thought, princess." Your gaze flicked back to the blue-haired man as you once again ignored your newfound nickname, "He's right, but yes, that's what we want you for. So?" You hesitated to respond. You knew that this was going to change everything for you, but maybe it would be good for you. You took a deep breath.

"...Can I ask for one favor?

At your words, everyone looked at their leader. It wasn't often that he did favors for his subordinates and they knew that he was not very giving when it came to them. He rose a brow, looking at you curiously. "What?"

A malicious grin made it's way onto your face as you realized that the one thing you wanted was right within your grasp. You were ready to do whatever it took to get what you wanted, even if you had to be the bad guy.

"If I join, I want to get revenge on the men that left me to die. Can you help me do that?"

The blue-haired man smirked and introduced himself along with the rest of the league before finally answering your question.

"Welcome to the league, (Y/n). Your revenge will be bittersweet."

You finally relaxed. The rest of the league seemed to be happy about you joining them, Toga being the most talkative of them all. It was then that you had remembered the other things you had to do. You turned to Shigaraki. "By the way, I work at night, don't ask what I do. I won't tell you." Shigaraki nodded and turned to Dabi gesturing towards the hall on his right, "Take her to a spare room. Show her the ropes. We have an interrogation coming up."

Dabi led you to one of the spare rooms. The room was bare except for a bed, nightstand, dresser and small desk. As you examined the room, Dabi leaned against the door frame, watching you. "You can switch between here and your apartment. Most of us just stay here. Shigaraki probably expects you to come up with a villain name and outfit for yourself. So, get to it, princess."

You turned to him. Something about him attracted you, but you didn't quite know what it was. He was attractive despite his scars and burns, but you felt that it was more than something that superficial. You never had been that kind of person anyways. "I'll cross that bridge when I get to it. Now, if you're not busy, I'd appreciate some help moving my stuff." Dabi nodded, "Lead the way."

The two left the bar and headed back to your apartment. Once they arrived, you got out your old moving boxes and the two of you starting packing everything in the boxes and bags. As you moved into another room, Dabi moved over to the nightstand where one of the drawers was cracked open. He opens the drawer and finds a few frames with some pictures in them. He looks at the pictures.

The first is of a younger you and an older man standing in front of school like building. Both of them are smiling and seem happy.

The next picture is what looks like the same younger version of you and the same man wearing flower crowns. The border of the frame is engraved with the words 'Life is sweeter because you are my father'.

The last photo is a bit darker. You are wearing a UA training uniform, which is ripped and torn in some places. You were smiling, but your eyes were numbly gazing off into the distance. The man from the other two photos was absent in this one. Dabi notices faint scarring on a part of your leg and can slightly make out the letters 'A', 'i', and 'N'.

Dabi is suddenly pulled back from the drawer by you. You take the pictures and place them in a box, quickly covering them with a cloth. You turn to him, your eyes cold and emotionless. "Don't touch those." He put his hands up in mock surrender, "Sorry, sorry. Didn't mean to pry, princess.". You sigh and shake your head before turning to pack up some other stuff. "Just ask me before opening a drawer next time."

Dabi took notice of the candle still burning on the nightstand and smirked. He thought that you would've thrown it out by now, but you must've liked it enough to keep it around. He strengthened the flame just a bit before looking at you, "By the way, do you like your candle?"

You closed another box and stacked it with the rest of the pile before turning to Dabi and answering his question. You were rather surprised that he knew about it, but then realized he must've been the one to trash your apartment. "That was from you?" He scoffed like it was the most obvious thing on the planet, "Yeah. Who do you think dropped the letter off?"

You turned, flinging a sandal in the direction of Dabi's head, barely missing him by a few inches. He barely flinched as the shoe passed him, but his face was full of surprise. You frowned, "Were you the one that robbed my apartment?!" Dabi rubbed the back of his neck, shaking his head at you as he prepared for another slipper attack. Once he thought he was in the clear, he spoke, "No. It was already trashed before I came. I just thought you were disorganized." Your hand reached for something else to throw at him, "Oh, be quiet!"

Another slipper flew towards him and he caught it before placing it in the box with the other shoes. You spend most of the day moving things with Dabi from your apartment to the room. As you bring in the last box, you look at the clock. It was 9:00, which meant it was time to get ready for work. You went into your new room and started to get ready. You threw on some fishnet tights, a pair of high waisted black ripped shorts, a red halter crop top, and a pair of red lace up wedge boots along with a gray cardigan. After you were completely ready, you headed down to the bar, where Dabi was having a drink as he scrolled through his phone. He was quick to notice you, however. "Damn, you definitely clean up nice, princess."

You rolled your eyes at him, ignoring his shameless ogling. Kurogiri ignored the two as he cleaned glasses behind the bar. You snapped your fingers in front of Dabi's face before speaking, "One, don't call me that. Two, I'm going to work, so let Shigaraki know if you see him."

You left the bar and began the long walk to your job. During this time of night, it was the prime time for the creeps and drunks to come out. You were used to scaring off the creeps who tried to cop a feel, so you weren't scared of walking alone. After twenty minutes, you arrived at your workplace; A faded red building with half burned out neon sign as the business front. You headed inside, being immediately greeted by your boss. "You're on time. Good. We have a very important, high paying client coming soon and he specifically requested you, saying something about cleanliness and germs, I think..."

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