❁ I'm Sorry Things Had To Be Like This ❁

Start from the beginning

"Katari, I'm still married." He had frowned at her, pointing at his wedding ring. "Until Solana and I officially separate, then I'll be single again. Break or not, she's still my wife. Now's just not the right time. Hope you understand."

She didn't want to but she did, at least they were friends.

Speaking of Solana, when Katari was about to say something, that was when his phone had very unexpectedly gone off.

Katari wanted to know who it was even if it didn't really concern her and Jordan Francs kinda freaked out.

"Solana wants to FaceTime me. Our break isn't over for another couple of weeks."

Not that they couldn't talk but they barely FaceTimed since the break had started two weeks ago now.

"Why does she want to FaceTime you?"

How the heck was Jordan Francis supposed to know?

Either way, he had told her that he was going outside, and she could have come with him if she wanted to.

"But this seems like a private matter," Katari noticed, collecting her food.

"I feel like it would be better with a friend around though in case things go really downhill and I can't deal with everything all by myself."

Not saying anything, Katari had thought about it and she had followed him to the back of the restaurant.

All this time Jordan Francis had kind of been thinking that Solana had called him accidentally but it didn't seem that way.

He was absolutely mortified when he had picked up the phone to see Solana crying.

Jordan Francis: Oh my God, Solana! What's wrong? Why are you crying?

She had gotten intimate with DeVante yesterday when she wasn't supposed to.

That was why she was crying.

Jordan Francis and Solana were so close that they could have called each other looking or sounding like a downright mess and the other person wouldn't have minded.

She didn't say anything though, with her make up being ruined.

If she had known that telling him this would have been this difficult then she wouldn't have worn it at all.

Solana: Jordan Francis, please don't be mad but... I... I—

Jordan Francis: You?....

She had blurted it out without thinking.

Solana: I kissed DeVante yesterday when I went to his house and I'm so sorry. I wanted to tell you yesterday but I was panicking and—- and—-

Jordan Francis didn't even let her finish talking as he had looked at Katari.

Jordan Francis: I'm sorry. What?

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