Random shot - Without you 👨‍🦰💔👩‍🦰 3

Start from the beginning

Veer bowed his head.

C: And you Bani, you didn't tell or ask him about your doubts.

Bani also felt shy.

C: As a first step of counciling, you both should speak openly and clear all your doubts and complaints.

V/B: Hm....

C: Then Lets wined up.

V/B: Thank you maam..

They came out from the cabin.

Veer cleared his throat.

V: Bani.. Shall we have coffee?

B: Hmm..

V: Then come..

Bani and Veer moved towards his car. Bani gets angry when she saw a girl standing beside Veer's car.

V: Bani... Roshini dropped me..

R: Hello.Bani... Bani let me tell you one thing, divorce is not a solution for any problem. Veer is a nice guy.

Bani glared at her.

B: I don't want your certificate. I know him better than anyone..

R: You are mistaken.

B: Veer Bye..

Bani went from there.

V: Bani.... Bani...  He called her, but she didn't mind him.

V: She is not believing me..

R: I think, its the time to reveal her about all the things.

V: Me too think so.. Councillor adviced us to have a open minded conversation.

Days passed..

Bani feels sad. She can't tolerate his absence. On that time, Bani starts remembering about how he betrayed her, how he raped her.

But Bani's heart always wanted his presence.

One day.

Bani is enjoying her favourite movie. Her mother comes to her and sits beside her. She caressed her hair. Bani smiled at her mom.

BM: Bani's mom.

BM: Bani beta.. Idhar dekho..

Bani paused the movie and looked at her mother with confusion.

MB: Do you miss him?

B: Who?

MB: Your husband?

Bani gets 😡.

B: He is nkt my husband.. And I don't miss him.

MB: I can read from your eyes Bani,  that you are missing him badly.

Bani turned her face.

B: Mom. Stop talking about him.. Its giving suffocation to me...

Bani's mother starts her typical class about the marriage and problems.
Bani gets bored by it.

B: Mom... He rapped me.. Why don't you understand it.

MB: I can Bani... But just hear once what he has to tell.

B: How will he justify his side?

MB: Bani close your eyes..

B: Why?

MB: Do it first.

Bani closed her eyes.

MB: Think about your sweet and happiest moments with him.

Bani starts thinking about their college love life and the sweet and funniest things happened in their marriage life also...

Bani starts smiling.

She opened her eyes.

MB: what do you feel now?

B: I don't know Mom.

MB: For me.. You a should talk to him.

Bani thinks for a while.

B: Hm..Ok...

MB: If your brother was here, he would not let you to break the marriage.

Bani gets emotional when her mother mentioned about her brother.

She wipped her tears.

To be continued...

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Vani's meeting. And a shocking revelation 😱..

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