Random shot - Without you 👨‍🦰💔👩‍🦰 3

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Once again thanks alot for supporting.
And I have onething to tell you guys, you all doubted Veer. Last chapter is based on Bani's point view, what she experienced.

Let's start without any bakwaas.

Veer's flat.

Veer came to his flat after signing the divorce petition.
Veer is heart broken, he entered in the flat and sat on the sofa. He closed his eyes and starts remembering about their happy life.

Someone knocked at the door and entered in.

Veer opened his eyes. And looked at the person. He became happy.

V: Bani...

Yes its our Bani.

B: I just came here to take my clothes.

Bani headed towards their room. Bani entered in the room.

She looked at the bed. She remembers about their lovely moments,but suddenly something strikes on her mind.

Bani opened the wardrobe and starts picking her clothes. Veer came there.

V: Bani.. Please forgi....

Bani indicates him to stop.

B: I don't want to listen you...

V: Bani.. Try to understand.. I am really....really...sorry...

B: I don't want your sorry..

Bani saw the Cond*m packet. And takes it and throws it on his face.

Veer takes it from the ground.

V: Yeh... Kaise...?

B: Don't you know...?

V: No...

B: Don't act innocent... I know your real face.

Bani packed her sarees and things.

B: Good bye...

Bani was about to go, but Veer holds her.

B: Leave me..

V: Bani... You are misunderstanding me..

B: Ok.. If this is a misunderstanding.. Then what about your lustful activity..

Veer's head bowed down. His guilt, we can see it from his eyes.

V: Bani.. I was drunk.. I was not in my sense.

B: Mr Veeranshu... Please... I don't want to hear anything.. Leave me..

She shouted a little and jerked his hands. She took her suitcase and left there.

Veer starts crying. He cursed his face..

V: Why Bani.... Why... There is nothing  like you think about me and Roshini.

Roshini is our Veer's boss.

V: She is like sister to me... Its my guilt, that I didn't reveal you our truth.... 😭😭😭😭......

1 week later.

Their first counciling class. Veer and Bani is sitting in front of the councillor.

C: You both are immature for leading a married life.

Veer and Bani looked at each other.

V: She always doubted me..

C: She is not doubting you.. She has her own experience that emphasizing her doubt. You are hiding something from her.

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