Chapter twenty six

Start from the beginning

"I don't know I left with Carly and took her to the movies and to get ice cream but when we got back the girls weren't here. I didn't think anything of it at first." Jorge said. "But then I seen a blood trail coming from Amber's bedroom." He said. Cree took the phone off speaker.  "How much blood we talking?" He asked. "Enough for somebody to be dead. I tried calling the girls and realized all their phones were here. Something happened." Jorge said. "I'm on my way." Cree said. "Alright hurry and bring June." Jorge said before hanging up. "Creation you're not going anywhere. For starters you're drunk." Seven said. "What? You heard what he just said. My friends need me i'm going." Cree said.

Seven paused for a second. "Your friends huh? So Anastasia's just your friend?" She asked. "Are you serious right now?" Cree said in confusion. "Yeah. I wasn't gonna say anything because I thought it was nothing but now that I see how you're acting. Maybe there is something going on." She said pouting. "Say what's on yo mind Seven stop beating around the bush. I gotta go." Cree said. "Alright. I heard you and June talking the other day. I heard what he said about you and Anastasia. How you would have had sex with her if he didn't stop you." Seven said. "You don't know what you talking about. That's not what happened." He said. "So tell me what happened then Creation." She said.

"I would but I don't got time for that. Like I said I have to go. We can sit down and talk when I get home." Cree said. "If you walk out that door I swear to god." Seven said putting her finger in his face. "Seven. Don't be like this for real. Some serious shit going on and I don't have time for games right now. I'll see you later. Come on June." Cree said. "Alright Creation. You can walk out that door if you want to but when you come back I won't be here and that's a promise." Seven said. "You better be here and I ain't playing." Cree said. "Yeah whatever." She said rolling her eyes. She stomped away and went into his room. As soon as she was gone Cree punched June in his chest as hard as he could.

"Ow what the fuck you do that for." June yelled in pain. "Because you fucking talk too much. Let's go." Cree said before walking out the front door. "How is this my fault? You the one who did it I'm just the one who told. Not my fault you was acting like you was oh so perfect and got caught up." June said laughing a little. "I never said I was perfect but now she think I'm unfaithful to her and I've never been that." Cree said. "You over reacting bruh. It's Seven we talking bout. The girl that's madly in love with you. She ain't tripping." June said waving him off. "She looked like she was to me." Cree said as they got into the car. He knew he was in trouble and was gonna be kissing her ass for the next couple of weeks.

"Just let her cool down and you can just explain everything when we get back." June said. "Bruh shut up. She ain't gone wanna hear shit." Cree said. "Yes she will. I mean I would leave a few details out cause she look like she'd choke you out how Aniya did me. But yeah." June said. "Nah Seven know better. Ima just tell her the truth cause I wouldn't want her to lie to me." Cree said. "Damn. I wish I thought like that." June said scratching his head. "Yeah I bet. I really don't know where moms and pops went wrong with you and Prince. Why do y'all act like that?" Cree asked. "Like what?" June asked. "Like you don't know how to love somebody correctly. Have moms and pops ever lied to us?"'Cree asked. "Nah ion think so." June said.

"They always taught us to be truthful and speak our mind but y'all just said fuck that huh?" Cree said. June shrugged and looked away. It was silent for a moment. "He gone be good bro. Keep yo head up you know he don't want us out here bitching." Cree said. "Man. I'm trying to I really am. But it's hard seeing my little brother like that. It's my job to protect my younger siblings but I wasn't there for him." June said. "June stop. This ain't on you, it's on me. I'm the reason we got involved in all of that anyways. If I woulda just stayed out of it Prince would be okay. So don't blame yourself." Cree said. "I'm the big brother. I take the blame." June said. "That don't matter. And if you wanna take the blame for something, take the blame for cheating on Aniya. Or telling Seven I was about to cheat on her." Cree said as he pulled up to Jorge's house.

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