"That you did. The boy is good, no doubts there."

"I have, acquired a Pod in a game of chance. The fastest ever built." Oh the first part is a lie, but the second is speculation.

"I hope you didn't kill anyone I know for it." The Toydarian laughs and he felt dark at that moment. "So, you supply the Pod and the entry fee. I supply the boy. We split the winnings fifty-fifty, I think."

QUI-GON : Fifty-fifty? If it's going to be that, I suggest you front the cash for the entry. If we win, you keep all the winnings, minus the cost of the parts I need. If we lose, you keep my ship, either way, you win." Was the tall man that desperate? No, he did not feel desperate. The boy is nervous and the greed of the Toydarian spiked suddenly.

"Deal! Yo bana pee ho-tah, meedee ya." We quickly move into the Junkyard portion as the tall man  strolls out. He only paused long enough to adjust to the light as I pull my presence back inside me. His cloak billows with a sudden burst of the wind revealing the chrome hilt of a lightsaber.

"What did Watto say?" I whisper to Arnine as I have no doubt that he is a Force user, but which type is he? I dared not using the Force to find out and what I felt was confusing as the light mixed with the dark.

"Your friend is foolish, me thinks." If he was a Jedi the upholders of peace and the protectors against the Sith then what interest would he have in the pod race? Was it to get the boy or something else? A Sith would just kill the owner and take the boy. Unless he was hiding and that might be the feeling I got from the girl. This world was so fascinating. I walked into the shop with Arnine right behind me.

"Hi, bye, I need to go get my pod ready." The boy nearly bumped into me as he raced by."

"So full of energy. What da ya want? That part not work for you?"

"It worked fine. I have brought my droid with me and a list of parts we might need." I switched languages. "Zuti kash jiso yard ir ziur ar tu xauti kasidz anas kash still ant tu'iea list vi nu deretis kia tave savifas."

"Yes, Jenica'ari, Nu valia isar tu vaeka." The droid walked out of the shop as I turned back to Watto.

"That is a strange language."

"No stranger than Huttese which I know very little of. You don't mind my droid searching for the parts I need?"

"No, too hot better to be in here. Unless you plan to rob me?"

"Should I?"

"No uh..."

"I am joking. I have enough credits to pay for anything my droid finds. So you are entering the boy in the race?"

"Yes I am. That Ootmian keeps making bad deals I will own him too."

Why is that?"

"The boy has never even finished a race, and Sebulba cheats the boy just will not attack the other racers like I tell him too."

"This Sebulba cheats."

"Everyone knows the racers cheat. They get caught they lose, but Sebulba does not get caught. Plenty of spots not covered by holo droids. I always bet heavily on him."

"I am going to bet everything I have on the boy." The Toydarian stopped and as he sunk to the counter he was laughing.

"Chuba do stupa doe ootmian sa." He finally got out as he rose back up in the air as he was able to fly again. He looked at me and as much as I wanted to rip his head off I remained calm turning my thoughts into my smile. The mirth Watto had vanished as he looked into my face.

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