2. Realiszetion

669 10 1

Third-person pov

The sun began to set so Rose began to head home not wanting to get scolded by her aunt.

She was strict but also she held sympathy for Rose. After everything she has been through Elizabeth gave her a break.

Rose approached the porch and opened the door entering the home.

Noises could be heard in the kitchen so she hung her coat on the hanger and made her way there.

"Hello everyone. Sorry if I'm a bit late for supper. Lost track of the time" Rose said pulling out a chair next to Diana who was smiling brightly.

"It's quite alright dear but please don't let it happen again," Elizabeth said in a soft yet strict tone.

"Shall we say grace?" Rose requested holding out her hands.

Everyone nodded and joined hands with her.

They said grace and continued with their supper.


On the steamer

"Come on, pick it up! Pick it up! Hey, watch your back!" The worker yelled.

"Feed the lady, Trinidad. No one payin' you to take a vacation" The fireman yelled at them.

"When I was a little boy my mother often told me way haul away..." Gilbert sang while picking up coal with a shovel and putting it in the large oven.

"TBA" A man with dark skin who was known as Bash said.

"We'll haul away Joe" Gilbert kept singing with a smile on his face that was covered with smoke.

"Or me," Bash said with a sigh.

"That if I did not kiss the girls me lips..." 

"Ain't funny," Bash said with an annoyed look on his face looking straight at him.

"I wasn't trying to be funny" Gilbert stopped to look at him.

"Well.. maybe a little" Gilbert chuckled.

"Maybe you boys want some different job?! That what you want?" The fireman yelled at the two.

"Sorry, sir. Sometimes the music in my soul just needs to come out" Gilbert told the fireman.

"You want the slit trench? That suit you better?" the fireman yelled back.

"We're good, sir. Everything fine" Bash said.

"Coming to you, sir," He said.

"I suspect latrine duty would be particularly repugnant," Gilbert said while continuing on with his work.

"Don't act dotish now" Bash said.

"What's that? You want no job? That it?" The fireman yelled at them again.

"We goin' real good, sir. We does like to make she go. This work be a privilege" Bash apologized.

"No more jawing" the fireman warned continuing on with his job.


After supper Rose went up to her room and get ready for an early slumber.

She was about to undress when she heard a knock on her door.

She opened it and Diana came in with a smile on her face.

She and Diana have gotten closer since Gilbert left.

"What ar-" Rose was cut off by Diana's hand covering her mouth.

"Shhhhhhhh! I'm supposed to be in bed!" She whispered.

Diana sat her down on the bed.

"I have a question for you" Diana whispered.

Confusion spread across Rose's face.

"What is it?" She questioned.

"Do you like anyone?" Diana asked a giggle escaping her lips.

A pink dust spread across her cheeks.

"Well- I guess I do?" Rose didn't even know if she liked anyone.

Then she realized. Gilbert.

That would explain the feeling in her stomach when she saw him looking at her or when he was close to her.

That explains everything!

"Rose? Are you alright? You spaced out" Diana waved a hand in her face.

"I-I'm fine.." Rose said quickly. A little too quickly.

"I should go to bed but tomorrow you have to tell me about this crush of yours!" Diana said.

Diana walked out of her room after exchanging goodnights.

Rose changed into her nightgown and got in the bed.

She pulled the covers over her body and closed her eyes.

Then the darkness pulled her under


Word count: {665}

Hello my little roses! How have you been? Long time no see aye? I hope you like this chapter. I can't keep up with 3 chapters per week soo I've decided only to do one chapter. Stay safe my lovlies!



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