1.Do I like Gilbert?

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Third-person pov

"I have to go, Diana" Rose said quickly putting on her coat.

"Do you want to come along?" she turned around facing her cousin.

"I can't mother wants me to practice the piano" Diana sighed.

"Diana!" the voice of her mother rang through the halls.

"I'll be off then" Rose opened the door and stepped out taking in a big whiff of the spring air.

She quietly closed the door behind her and made her way to her destination.


Rose walked slowly admiring the scenery around her humming a tune.

She arrived at a field. But it wasn't just a field. 

It was the field she came to when she needed to clear her mind.

She found it when she was wandering around one day.

Ever since then, she had been coming here to read or just lay in the grass in her free time.

She laid down a picnic blanket and put down the book she was holding.

She sat down and began to read. 

The sound of birds chirping rang through her ears while her eyes scanned the page.

She lifted her head and stared into the abyss.

She closed the book and gently placed it down beside her.

Her thoughts wandering everywhere.

It had been 2 months since Gilbert left. She missed him truly.

She had been thinking about the last moment she had with him. 

'Why did he kiss my hand?' she thought.

'Maybe it was a friendly gesture?' she dug deeper into the thoughts.

She always thought Gilbert was handsome ever since she met him. 

But she never thought more. She always blushed when he 'flirted' with her.

She felt butterflies when she looked at him.

'Do I like Gilbert?' her eyes widened in shock.

She'd caught Gilbert staring at her a few times at school.

She thought nothing of it. But now she was curious.

She'd have to write him a letter and ask him.

She spent the rest of the evening thinking.


Word count : {}

Ello my little roses! I'm so sorry about not posting. I've been really unmotivated lately so I haven't been writing. This is a short chapter but it's a chapter. I hope you like this chapter. Stay safe my lovlies.



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