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big gay draco.malfoy
bark bark woof woof

11:20AM · 28 November · Twitter for iPhone

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11:20AM · 28 November · Twitter for iPhone

pots and pans pansy.p
big gay draco.malfoy
harry and i took a break off social media
pots and pans pansy.p
u basic mfs 🙄
big gay draco.malfoy
sorry we're too hot and sexy for twitter

looney tunes✨ l.lunalovegood
so cute!
big gay draco.malfoy
i mean , we are basically twins
looney tunes✨ l.lunalovegood
big gay draco.malfoy


💌 messages

b ❤️ itsbree__
draco? are you busy rn??

big gay draco.malfoy
just with harry , whats up ? :)

b ❤️ itsbree__
i dont wanna bother u, but i really need some support rn..

big gay draco.malfoy
sure !! we'll be there as soon as we can bestie

b ❤️ itsbree__


📴 - offline

Currently, Bree was hunched over a toilet, vomiting up her breakfast.  She had been getting an overwhelming about of morning sickness recently, and she thinks she might know why.  After weeks of debate, she had finally brought a pregnancy test. She was scared to say the least, and god knew she was not ready for a child. Bree had brought the test about a week ago, but was much too terrified to even touch it after bringing it home. She knew if she was going to do the test, she needed friends with her.  That's why she asked for Draco and Harry to be by her side, just incase the outcome was what she expected.

Though, now that she checked, she had been waiting for them for an hour.  Was she getting impatient? Perhaps.

You know what? Fuck it.  She unwraps the pregnancy test, taking the damned stick out of its box and walking to the bathroom.  Bree should be able to do this by herself, shouldn't she? She was just itching to know the truth.


💌 messages

big gay draco.malfoy
hey we're here

b ❤️ itsbree__
sorry i feel sick

big gay draco.malfoy
can we not come in ?

b ❤️ itsbree__
i'm sorry

big gay draco.malfoy
bree, are you sure ?  we want to be here for you

b ❤️ itsbree__
there's a spare key under the welcome mat.  come in if you want.

big gay draco.malfoy
thank you <3



pots and pans pansy.p
that awks moment when ur bffs aren't replying to you ...
5:36PM · 28 November · Twitter for iPhone

mione mo hermionex
I'm right here?
PADMA sapphic_padma
and so am i ???? your own gf.... #toxic
pots and pans pansy.p
shut up you two !!  i mean draco, harry and bree
mione mo hermionex
Oh.  Hm, I guess you're right.  Maybe they're just hanging out?
pots and pans pansy.p
without us?
looney tunes✨ l.lunalovegood
i want to be included in this thread so hello !! :)
PADMA sapphic_padma
hi gorgeous !  but yeah, you're right - it is odd that they're hanging out without telling anyone.
mione mo hermionex
I guess... But, oh well.  They will appear at some point.


420 🔥 blaiseit
luna just walked past me in the hallway and wolf whistled..  i feel harassed.
6:23PM · 28 November · Twitter for iPhone

mione mo hermionex

looney tunes✨ l.lunalovegood
420 🔥 blaiseit
lovegood... who dared you to do this
👑 ron.nnn
Me :D
looney tunes✨ l.lunalovegood
it was also, somewhat, free will.
420 🔥 blaiseit
looney tunes✨ l.lunalovegood
take a joke zabini !!  nobody would willingly do that :)
👑 ron.nnn
Ohhs nap !
👑 ron.nnn
Oh snap*
mione mo hermionex
R.I.P Blaise Zabini.  Cause of death: roasted by Luna Lovegood.

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