"Maybe if I wasn't so goddamn annoyed right now, then yeah, I'd be just peachy." Siggy says through gritted teeth. I return his cold stare,

"We're all annoyed, Siggy. It's not just you."

"I've had just about enough of you. Ever since we got here it's been 'us', 'we', 'the group'. Never have you stopped to consider how each of us as individuals feel. You know, this is exactly what happened last time. You made a big deal about us 'being a team' and ended up getting said 'team' caught."

    We're both on our feet now, ready to go at it again. Siggy continues, "So you, the self-appointed leader of this 'team', can go and shove it right up your—"

"That's enough!" Lincoln shouts. "I don't know what's going on between you two, but it needs to stop. You're not helping yourselves or anybody else. And the two of you aren't going to make Lia any better when you fight like this." Siggy laughs, sounding almost hysterical,

"Lia? Lia? She can go fucking kill herself for all I care!"

    Lincoln's hand flies to his mouth and Vince sucks in a breath. They're both looking in the same direction. I tear my eyes off of Siggy to see what they're looking at.

    It's Charlotte, with Lia standing right next to her. Even though she's across the room, it's clear to see that Lia isn't happy at all.

   She comes closer, anger set into her face. She stands in front of Siggy. Since he's about a head taller than her, Lia needs to look up to stare into his eyes. "What are you gonna do, princess? Go cry on Lincoln's shoulder again?"

   As soon as he fakes a pout, it's like a switch flips in Lia. Lia reaches up and slaps Siggy across the face.
   He turns his head back to look at Lia, a red mark of her handprint on his cheek. "Cute." Siggy smirks. "Try it again. I fucking dare you. Try. It. Again."

   Lia brings her knee up to Siggy's crotch. Hard. He winces and bends over a bit. Lia grabs Siggy's arms so tight that her knuckles are turning white and her nails are digging into his skin.

"Is this cute, Sigmund? Is it?" She hisses. Siggy suddenly jolts and lets out a sharp scream before he crumples to the floor.

    Now that Lia's released him, I can see small crescent-shaped marks from her nails on Siggy's arms.

   "Don't you ever say anything like that to me again. I was only going easy on you, Sigmund." Lia says coolly.

   She turns to look at the rest of us, her lips parting into a sickly sweet smile, "That goes for all of you. Thank you Charlotte and Lincoln for helping me clean up. Goodnight, everyone"

   With that, she walks up the stairs to the master bedroom, slamming the door closed. Nobody says anything for a moment. Charlotte breaks the silence,

"Do any of you know what she just did to him?" I shake my head. Lincoln holds up his hands,

"Lia didn't tell me anything. I swear."

"Holy shit, that bitch is cool." Vince smirks.

"Vince!" Charlotte says, slapping his arm. Vince laughs and pulls her into a hug,

"Sorry, babe. You know I still love you." Vince plants a kiss on Charlotte's forehead, making her sigh and roll her eyes. Lincoln decides to change the subject,

"Why was Lia's nose bleeding in the first place?"

"It's a symptom of her withdrawal. She may also get dizzy spells, night terrors, and possibly hallucinations. Oh, and Siggy will need to learn to control his blood-sniffing sense as both Lia and I are girls who are far too young for menopause."

    Lincoln and I stare at her blankly. What the fuck is a menopause? Then it hits me.

"Oh." I say, blushing a bit at the thought. Lincoln looks at the floor. Vince shakes his head and unwraps his arms from around Charlotte.

"I'm going to take a shower before heading to bed. I think I got throw-up on me when I helped Siggy." He heads off to the bathroom and Charlotte wishes us good morning as she goes into the bedroom she and Vince have been sharing.

   I nudge Siggy's leg with my foot. He doesn't do anything.

"Siggy?" Lincoln bends down and shakes his shoulder a bit. Still nothing. He's breathing just fine. Lincoln straightens up. "I'll go talk with Lia. She probably knows how to wake him up." Lincoln walks away and creeps up the stairs.

    I look down at Siggy. Thinking of how sweet karma is (and how bad-ass Lia can be), I smile to myself.

Salut, tout le monde!

Sorry I was gone for a bit! I had lots of exams that I was taking and studying for. Anyway, how are you liking the book so far? Is it good? Bad? Downright atrocious?

Thanks for reading chapter 7!💕

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