Chapter 2: Memory Wipe

Start from the beginning

"Not really. Chase and I realized today that I might be struggling with ptsd." I explained.

"From what?" He asked looking at Chase knowing that I probably wouldn't be able to answer.

"There was a guy who wanted to get to us and he went after Maddie before we caught on. He wanted to sell us as bionic soldiers and experiment on Maddie." As Chase explained he rubbed my back trying to keep me calm and away from a panic attack.

"Oh my gosh Maddie I'm so sorry. What can I do to help?" Alex asked, more worried than before.

"Be there for her when I can't. If she has a panic attack help calm her down, make sure she's eating and sleeping, and try to reassure her when she's struggling." Chase explained.

"Madds I know you're strong but we just want to help you get through this." He said to me because he knows how much I hate being dependent on others.

"I think we're good here. Are you guys hungry?" Alex got off the couch and headed towards the kitchen.

"No thanks I'm good." Chase answered.

"I'll just grab a snack but thanks Alex." I said and he just headed for his room.

September 28th Davenport Lab (Maddie's POV)-

It had been almost two weeks and things were getting better, I still had a panic attack and anxiety from time to time but I was enjoying the other things in life right now. Last night Adam, Bree, Chase, Leo, and I all went out to see a movie. Apparently they got caught sneaking in after curfew and were now grounded. Adam, Leo, Bree and I were in the lab, playing some card game I forgot the name of, cause they couldn't do much else. Part of Chase's punishment was that he couldn't talk to me while I was here. So he was reading on the other side of the lab.

"I hate being grounded." Adam whined. "Are the three weeks over yet?"

"It hasn't even been a day." Bree reminded him dully. Leo frowned.

"Wait, there's something I don't get." He said. He turned to face me. "How did you not get in trouble? You were out past curfew too."

I rolled my eyes. "Because, unlike you geniuses, I had the sense to climb in through my window rather than walk in through my front door." She replied, shaking her head. "Seriously, what were you thinking?"

"Well-" Leo started, but was cut off by Davenport as he ran into the room.

"Guys! Guys! I did it!" he exclaimed very happily. "I finally did it!"

"Graduated to big boy shoes?" Leo guessed excitedly. Davenport still smiled.

"No, I finally achieved something I have wanted my whole life. I won the presidential medal for scientific achievement!"

"That's great." I congratulated.

"I think I got one of those for doing push ups in gym class." He commented. Davenport looked at him.

"I don't think so." He said. Adam smiled.

"Oh, yeah. You're right; it was pull ups." He corrected himself. Davenport ignored him.

"This is the highest honor a scientist can receive. My picture is gonna be plastered online, offline...If there's a line, my face is gonna be on it." He gushed.

We all looked at him. "What did you win it for?" I asked. Davenport grinned.

"My neuro scrambler." He answered, holding up the small, hand held device. "This thing is going to revolutionize the field of neurology."

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