Chapter 15: Armed and Dangerous

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Tompkins House (Maddie's POV)-

It was six am and I was getting ready for school. I grabbed the first things I found like I did every morning before braiding my hair. Before I was done my phone was ringing and a picture of Chase and I came up. I smiled before answering and putting the phone on speaker.

"Morning babe." I hummed as I continued to braid my hair.

"Hey Madds."

"What's wrong?" I could hear it in my voice.

"Graham wants us to make a big entrance at school for the press-" Chase started.

"Of course he does." I groaned. "You know that guy only cares about himself."

"Maddie, he only wants it to be us. Without you or Leo." Chase said sheepishly.

"Wait, so we aren't walking to school together?" I asked. Chase and I had been walking to school together since before we were dating.

"He already set up a limo to pick us up. Which in my opinion, is the worst way to get to school. It is bad for the environment and it's slow." Chase ranted.

"See it's like I've been saying, Graham is stupid and selfish." I said as I finished off my hair.

"Hey are you dressed yet?" He asked.

"Yeah... why do you ask?"

"Video call?" He asked.

"Sure." I laughed. He called me and I had to admit I was lucky to have such a handsome boyfriend.

"Wow!" The screen looked like it was frozen.

"Chase? Chase? I think my screen froze." I tapped on my screen but he just laughed.

"It wasn't your phone it was me, I'm just in awe of my gorgeous girlfriend. I mean if you were with us the press would be all over you." He smiled at my obvious blush and I bit my lip to contain my smile.

"Hey Romeo! It's time to go! You'll see Juliet at school so come on!" Bree yelled from across the room.

"Love you. See you at school." Chase said.

"Love you too." I blew him a kiss before hanging up. I went downstairs and grabbed some breakfast. I would have a bit of extra time if I took my skateboard to school.

Mission Creek High School (Maddie's POV)-

I got to school right in time to see Adam, Bree, and Chase being escorted from their limo. I went up to them but a guard stepped in front of me. "I suggest you move out of the way." I growled.

"I would listen to her if I were you." Chase cut in.

"I'm his girlfriend." I said as I walked past him.

"Okay through that door is a bunch of people waiting for autographs, pictures, and interviews-" He noticed me as Chase put his arm around me. "Why are you here?"

"Again, I'd like to make it clear to you and all your goons, I am his girlfriend! And next time-" I ranted but Chase put his hand over my mouth and wrapped an arm around me to keep me from charging at him.

"I'll meet you inside Madds." He kissed my temple before letting me go so I could head inside. I went over to my locker where Leo found me.

"Who spit in your breakfast?" He laughed as he found me throwing things in my locker.


"Ah, yes. The leader of the doosh army." Leo laughed.

Graham walked in and spoke to the press. "Students of Mission Creek, please welcome your bionic super humans!"

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