Chapter 12: Which father knows best?

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March 8th Mission Creek High School (Maddie's POV)-

"Hey, did you guys know we had a study abroad program?" Bree asked.

"Why would I go to another country to do something I don't do here?" Adam made a good point.

"Look, it says you get to spend a whole semester at a high school in Australia. And guess what? I applied." Bree was basically bouncing in excitement.

"Cool! Kelly Porter went last year. She got sucker punched by a kangaroo." Leo said.

"That's what happened? I thought she got hit by an emu." I said as I continued to grab items from my locker and Chase stood beside me taking them from my arms. "You know I can hold my own books right?"

"Yeah but it's also part of my job." He smiled.

"And what job is that?" I closed my locker and we moved back to join everyone.

"To be the best boyfriend to the most gorgeous girl ever." That cheesy line earned him a peck. "Oh and Bree, I hate to be a wet blanket-"

"No, you don't." Leo rolled his eyes.

"But Mr. Davenport is never gonna let you do this. You can't go on missions if you're halfway across the world." Chase explained, I could feel the heat of Bree's glare since Chase kept his arm around my waist.

"Well, sure I can. I mean, I haven't figured out all the details yet, but there's gotta be a way to make it work." Bree said hopefully.

"Not unless these two can unlock a new ability to make up for you not being here." Leo provided.

"Ooh! Well, maybe I can unlock an ability where I disappear and reappear somewhere else. Let me try." Adam did a squat and grunted loudly. "Did it work?"

"You didn't do it long enough. Try it again, this time, more grunting." Chase said and Adam made the same sound and motion and Chase pulled us all behind him.

He turned around and found us behind him believing that he actually teleported.

Tompkins house (Maddie's POV)-

"It's official." I said as I walked in to find Alex on the couch.

"What?! Please don't tell me you're pregnant!" He jumped up knocking a few this with him.

"What?! No! Oh my Gosh no!" I was blushing madly at this point. "I meant me applying to college. You really think Chase and I would be that dumb?"

"Hey I don't know what you guys do in that house all day? But congrats on applying. I know that wasn't the easiest."

"We should be hearing back in the next few months but for now I'm not gonna worry about it so much. Who knows where I'll get in.

"So what's the plan today? You gonna spend time with that boyfriend of yours?" Alex laughed.

"Nah. It's my day off and I haven't spent that much time with you lately."

"The Maddison Munchkin Tompkins actually wants to spend time with little old me?! What an honor!" He loved to use this really crappy old British voice to tease me cause he knew I would laugh every time.

"Shut up you dork." It would've sounded a lot meaner if I wasn't still laughing. "And my middle name is definitely not munchkin."

"You sure about that?" He asked.

"You want to go skateboarding? We haven't been in awhile. Ooo and we can get food too!" I asked.

"Sounds fun Jumpy. Just let me finish my assignment then we can go." I got up and ruffled my brother's hair as I passed by and fled to my room before he could argue.

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