Chapter 1: The aftermath

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September 16th Davenport Lab (Maddie's POV)-

Something started shaking my shoulder "Maddie? Madds? Wake up. Maddie Wake up."

"I'm up!" I jumped up knocking some of my tools to the ground. "What's going on?"

"You crashed on top of your project again." Chase explained, while rubbing my shoulders.

"Oh. Well time to get back to work. Do you mind getting me some coffee?" I smiled trying to butter him up.

"Madds, when are you gonna take a break? You've been working nonstop for weeks now." His brow furrowed in the cute way it does when he is worried.

"I can rest when I finish. If you want to help me I'd welcome it but this is something I need to finish." After everything that had happened with Marcus and Douglas I wanted to be able to protect myself again.

I had immediately started drawing up plans and got to work. My first project was a sonic blaster which was similar to a gun but used sound waves as ammunition. The weapon I was currently working on was a gauntlet that was made of nanoparticles and it would be able to generate and form electricity for attacks.

As I continued to work Chase moved across the desk and pulled my tools out of my hands. "Look Madds, I'm sorry we weren't there to protect you, but this isn't ok. You are safe, we're not gonna let you get hurt again."

"I know that but it's not the same. I was stuck and I don't have my powers anymore. I felt defenseless. Chase I used to be a superhero, someone who protected people, now I can't even protect myself." I started getting choked up.

Chase came back to my side and wrapped me in a hug. I leaned into him. "You're right and it's something I haven't had to deal with. I'm sorry that you have to go through this. What can I do for you?"

"Coffee?" I pulled away, moving back to my work.

"Absolutely." He kissed my forehead before leaving to grab a coffee for me.

I just started working when my phone started ringing.

"What do you want?" I asked as I accepted the call on speaker.

"Wow, hello to you too dear sister." Alex answered with a voice full of sarcasm.

"I'm serious Alex. I'm really busy, what do you need?" I asked, frustrated.

"Well I feel like I haven't seen you in forever, I miss my little sister." He explained.

"Is that all?" I continued working on the containment module.

"I was gonna ask if you wanted to go get lunch but I guess I'll just bring some back for you." Alex said.

"Thanks. Bye. Love you." I rushed before hanging up so I could focus.

. . .

If I could just get this last piece in place I could move to the testing phase of the gauntlet but it wouldn't fit.

"Ugh! Just work already!" I threw one on my screwdrivers at the wall.

"Hey! Watch it!" Leo exclaimed as ducked the tool.

"Sorry I just can't get this piece to fit." I sunk into my chair.

"What have you been working on anyway? I've never seen you working this hard on anything." He started messing with some of the other tools I have left out.

"Maybe if I just shave it down..." I thought out loud.

"You know, maybe we could go see a movie or something? We haven't gone out in a while." Leo tried.

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