Chapter 11: Taken

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March 5th Tompkins House (Maddie's POV)-

"So you know how you've been talking to me about college?" I sat down at the kitchen bar.

"You mean how I asked you about college once like six months ago? Yeah. How do you even remember that?" Alex asked as he flipped the pancake that was on the stove.

"I remembered a few weeks back but that's besides the point." He placed a plate of pancakes in front of me. "I've been thinking about what I want to do and I have six schools I want to apply to."

"That's great. Where are you thinking?" He asked.

"Well Stanford, Berkeley, UCLA, and Cal tech are all great schools that are in state." He nodded telling me to continue. "Then there was a few other schools that I am looking at."

"And those are?" He waited for my answer.

"Well there's Cambridge but that's really far and not as great as the in state schools but it's an option." I said quickly.

"Munchkin, I know you well enough to know all those schools are too small for you. Where do you really want to go?" Alex asked, seeing right through me.

"Ok I know it's far but I really think MIT would be a good fit." I said in a rush or get it out.

"Well there's no way MIT won't accept you so what's the problem?" I was about to answer before he started again. "Wait no. I got it. You don't want to leave Chase."

"It's not fair that you know me this well." He laughed. "Yes. You're right, okay? I don't want to leave Chase. But I also want to give this a shot. Ugh I wish things were easier." I moved my plate to the slide and laid my head on the counter.

"You want to know what I think you should do? Just apply. You don't know where you will get in and on the off chance that you get to MIT you can talk to Chase. You guys can figure things out." He said. It was a good plan but I still didn't know what I would want to do. Before I could voice my opinion I got a text from Davenport.

Get to the lab now.

Just from the fact that he was texting me I knew something was up. "Hey I need to go. Thanks for breakfast. Bye!" I ran out the door leaving Alex alone.

I ran towards the Davenport house as fast as I could but apparently it didn't matter how fast I was going since Krane appeared directly in front of me. He can geo-leap! I tripped in my shock and hit the ground hard right before his feet.

Davenport Lab (Chase's POV)-

We were stuck, trapped, in the lab and waiting for Leo and Maddie to show up. It was vaguely reminiscent of the times where we'd be waiting for Maddie to come after school when we couldn't go. We all had different means of burning through time. Bree was watching some chick flic on her phone, Adam was throwing stuff at the electric fence, and I was trying to read and not worry about where Maddie could be.

"Oh-hoho! Awesome!" Adam said as his shoe bounced off the electric fence. "Uh, let's see, what else can I throw?" He turned to me.

"Don't even think about it." I commented without looking up from my book.

"Something's wrong." Davenport said as he rushed into the lab. "Leo just left a message that Douglas showed up at school, and now I can't find him or Tasha."

"What about Maddie?" I put down my book and the three of us joined him at the consul.

"Well I told her to get here over half an hour ago but I haven't heard anything but I reached out to Alex. He told me that Maddie left right after getting my text so she should've been here already." I felt worry build up in me as he spoke.

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