King of Smoke- Prologue

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The world was in darkness for three days. We were still getting heat, but there was no light at all. Emerson was in a room below deck, alone, and she wanted it to stay that way.

Then she plunged the world in total darkness. The first day we thought it was the end of the world. The sun just winked out like a candle flame. The next day we thought the light would come back on and when it didn't we thought we would never see the sun again. By the third day we were all wondering if the light would ever come back on.

During these three days we lead the ship by lantern and with the help of Nina we could see at least where we were going. There were no stars to navigate by so the compass was posted at the front of the ship as we sailed.

I wasn't quite sure where we were going. Some said that we were going to the Aquina region. One of the only regions that wasn't connected to the others and was the furthest away. It would take us four days to get there.

By the third day people wanted to knock Emerson out so the light would come back. If she wasn't conscious her power wouldn't work. Nina and Isla fought for her saying that she just lost the love of her life.

Part of me hated that I thought that this meant we were meant to be together. The other half was telling me that this shows that I was meant for her.

But if we couldn't see in the next few hours we would run into the rocks that lined Aquina's harbor. We couldn't afford to stay out at sea. We had very little supply and Rin would have to be looking for us, especially since we had Emerson below our decks.

It was hard not to speculate what happened, we sat in the dark on a boat in the middle of the ocean.

Some said Rin was behind it all along that he wanted to throne to himself. Some said that he was possessed by Hella and that no one would purposefully do this. Some said he just hated half-breeds.

I didn't know what to believe what I did know, was that people died, lots of people died. Jase was no one where to be seen, Rye's mom died, members from every court died. There was no one left and no one had any idea what to do.

Then on the fourth day the light returned and Emerson emerged from the cabin, or what was left of her did. 

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