Ad Astra Per Aspera

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 I poured the melted wax onto the envelope, pressing my sigil into the wax. It had been three days since I last spoke with Lelon. I didn't think he was still angry, but holding a knife to an assassin's throat was never a smart thing to do. I had spent the past three days trying to gain as much information as I could about the Soul Search. I forced myself to sit through endless house meetings about Isla and how she was going to win and I sat through too many "family" dinners for my liking.

I had finally formulated a plan and I needed to speak with Lelon so he understood what was happening and what was at risk. The sun was barely even up as I went downstairs to ask one of the servants to send this message to Merchant Leoleander asking him when the new shipments of silk would be coming in. The letter of course was in code.

Merchant Leoleander

Master Lelon.

I hated that we disagreed on the previous prices of the silk. I still think that the price I had aforementioned was still an adequate price.

I'm sorry I held a knife to your throat and threatened to kill you. Even though I will kill you if you lay a hand on her.

However, I am more than willing to overlook my extensive knowledge of silks and agree to your price. When is the next shipment coming in?

However, I will forget that you threatened her right now to get this job done. When shall we meet next?

I am free to meet at the house anytime today. I will be eager to receive your reply.

I will be at the guild in the meeting room today, waiting for you. Don't be late.

Your Best Customer,

Emerson Labelle

Your Best Killer (and don't forget it)

Emerson Labelle.

I opened the door to my room and walked down the stairs to the main floor. There was a servant standing near the door, waiting for someone to walk by and open it. All of the servants in the house were blanks that were hand-chosen by each estate. All of them had a minimal salary even though many estates were rich enough to pay them triple the amount and not worry about putting food on the table. I tried to pay our servants double their normal salary from the money I earned through the guild, under the table of course. If Adrianus ever found out I would probably get—punished.

The servant at the door was Luca, my favorite servant, not just because he was the best looking one, but because I knew he went home every night to his little sister. His parents had died a few years before, since then Luca had done everything he could to take care of his little sister. He took care of his little sister when I couldn't take care of mine. I quickly walked down the stairs and sauntered up to Luca.

"Good morning Ms. Emerson, you look radiant as always." He gave me one of his best smiles and brought my hand up to his lips. I knew he was lying because I was in a simple white nightgown and my hair was plastered to my face. I had only gotten up this early to send Lelon the message.

"Such a flirt." I threw him a wink and slid the letter into his hands. I knew that he didn't truly care for me, but we did it to make it through the day in this wretched house. He had a girl in the city, Caroline, and even though he didn't admit it the boy was completely taken with her. "Will you do me the favor of delivering this for me." He took the letter and slid it into his pocket.

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