The Invasion

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The Queen pov.

The xenomorphs had been very busy, there was now over five thousand xenomorphs. They were mostly warriors and drones but there was also runners, spitters, carriers and razors. However not all was well. The Queen was still upset at the lost of four of her children and one of them was a face hugger. She knew the humans and fanus would find out eventually, but she did not know that they already new about them. The warrior that left his task to tell her this that a young man already knew about them and what they were capable of doing. What's worst is that the young man had a semblance to make and control lightning. He was a major threat to the hive. The Queen was deep in thought when a drone came into her chamber.

Drone: My Queen, the tunnel to the city Vale is complete and is stable.

The Queen: Good, all of you get some rest. Tomorrow is when we attack.

Drone: Yes my queen.

As soon as the drone left the Queen got off her throne. She then started to pull herself forward to disconnect from her egg sack. She then went behind her egg sack and brought out the royal egg. She had layed it a few weeks ago. She turned to her predatorians.

The Queen: Gather all of the unhatched eggs and place them by the tunnel entrance. They a going with us.

Her guards did their job and while they were doing that the Queen lay down to sleep.

Yn pov.

Its been five days since we rescued Anna. To day was a tournament though. I just watched my sisters beat another team and win the round. I must say I was proud of them.

Aunt Raven: I knew my daughter would not let me down.

Tai: Ruby was there too you know.

Uncle Qrow: Yn I can't wait to see how you do on your round.

Yn: Thanks, speaking of which, I have about ten minutes to get ready.

Summer: Good luck.

I then went to the locker room and got my sword when I suddenly had a feeling. A bad feeling. Something was about to happen and it wasn't going to be pretty. I didn't think about it very long because I had to get to the stadium. I enter the stadium and saw my opponent. It was a guy from Atlas academy. Just as our swords were about to connect, a loud, and I do mean loud Roar was heard. Everyone went silent. The ground below us cracked and rose. We both leapt away just as the ground exploded. I turned to look back and wished I hadn't. Xenomorphs started coming out of the large hole. People started screaming. The guy who was going to fight me was too close to them and acid was spat in his face. He was killed on the spot. I ran as fast as I could to get out of there. I took one last look back and saw the Queen coming out of the hole, along with her body guards. I continue running and ran into the others.



Yang: LOOK OUT!!!

A xenomorph runner came charging at us. I quickly activated my semblance and killed the runner.

Uncle Qrow: LETS GO!

We left the stadium and while we were running we saw Atlas soldiers trying to kill the xenomorphs but no how many fell, more took their place. The soldiers were quickly slaughtered. I hear a scream to my left and saw Blake about to be killed by a warrior. Thankfully Ruby had her weapon still with her. She shot the warrior in the head killing it. Blake thanked us and we continued running. We then came across Wiess about to be face hugged. I used a small bit of lighting to paralyze the face hugger so I wouldn't hurt wiess. Tai and Uncle Qrow went over and pulled the face hugger off of her. Ruby shot it.

Wiess: Thanks.

Ruby: Let's go were not safe here.

All of us continued to run. We could hear hundreds of screams in front and behind. I thought of all of the people who didn't make it. I see a women stop in front of us gasping. Tai and Uncle qrow went over to help her and found out why. She was pregnant and the baby was coming. We all went into a store that was close by and went inside to the back. Tai, Uncle Qrow and I barricaded the door the best we could while the others help the women to give birth to the baby. Since we were not in a hospital and none of us were doctors, the woman had to give birth the old fashion way. The woman's did scream but luckily Raven place a gag in her mouth to muffle the screaming. The baby soon came.

Summer: its a boy.

She handed the baby to the mother. The mother thanks us and turns her attention to her child. We suddenly hear banging on the door and a voice told us to open it. We quickly moved the barricade aside and opened the door. I was surprised to see it was Professor Ozpin. He rushes in and we barricaded the door again.

Professor Ozpin: Is everyone alright?

Uncle Qrow: For now.

Blake: What happens now?

Ruby: Yn, you know more about these aliens more than we do. so what do we do?

Yn: I think we should wait here until it calms down. When that happens we should get out of here and move out of the city. Quickly and quietly. If we go out now we all will be killed. Kill as many that comes at you they will keep coming. They are hardly afraid of anything.

Tai: Is there anything their afraid of?

Yn: ..... fire.

Aunt Raven: Fire?

Yn: Yes, when I was on the station, a friend of mine made a Molotov. He threw it at a alien and missed. When it hit the floor fire appeared and the alien ran off.

Weiss: Anything else?

Yn: No.

Professor Ozpin: Very well as soon as its calmed down out there, we will leave, all of us. Unless you want to stay and wait for them to find us.

None of us wanted to stay here. I looked over to the woman holding her child. She nodded. It was obvious she wanted to leave as well. I don't blame her. She just became a mother and she doesn't want to loose her new born son. We all waited for things to calm down before we started our way out.

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