Initiation and a bully

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Yn pov.

I was ready for my initiation. However i had a bad feeling some thing was about to happen.

Professor Ozpin: You ready.

Yn: Yeah, just a bit nervous.

Professor Ozpin: Ha ha ha, they all say that, here we go.

I get launched far into the forest. As I get close to the ground I curl up and soon I started rolling. I came to a stop and went to find the temple to revive the relic. I was also on my guard. I don't want to be a meal for some grimm that appears. While I was walking I noticed something. It was quiet. Too quiet to be exact. I see the temple when a Manticore attacked.


Yn: If you want to fight, I'm up for it. Lets dance.

I summon lightning and concentrated. I had to intensify it to become stronger or it won't kill the Grimm. I a swipe from its claws and blasted it. The manticore howled in pain and finally falls to the ground. I pull out my sword and with a well thrust, the blade with trough its head. I am then attacked by a pack of Beowulfs. I slashed, stabbed, roll, dodge, used lightning until they were all dead. I enter the temple to grab a relic which turned out to be chess pieces. I grab a king piece and went back outside. There I am attacked again. This time it was a nevermore. I manage to kill it and headed back to cliff where the others were waiting for me. When I got there, Professor Ozpin came up to me.

Professor Ozpin: Well done. You have fought bravely and received a king piece.

Uncle Qrow: Nice job kiddo. I'm very proud of you.

Yn: Thank you.

Professor Goodwitch: What team do you wish to be in.

Yn: Team RWBY please.

Professor Ozpin: Very well, here's the dorm room number.

He's hands me a slip of paper and we head back to the school. I pretty sure I will get along with them. Except Yang which might take along time. Uncle Qrow says goodbye and turns into a crow and flies away. I'm actually stunned at what I just saw. If I see him again I might ask him about it. As soon as I open the door to my room I'm greeted by Ruby. She introduces me to her teammates. Blake was very kind. Wiess acted like she was the most important person in the room. Yang tried to come over to me and says she's sorry for what she did, but I just back up with a glare. I then told her what Ozpin said to the others and her face went pale. Blake then asked if its alright to tell them what happened on my side of the story.I told them everything and they were shocked. Yang had tears in her eyes and kept apologizing. Ruby asked how did my initiation went and I told them I did well. We all talked for a few more minutes when Blake looked a the time.

Blake: Guys its time to get our lunch.

Yn: To be honest I am starting to get hungry.

Wiess: We should catch you up to speed while where there anyways.

Yn: Good idea.

As we head to the cafeteria, we ran into team JNPR. Their names were Jaune, Nora, Pyrra, and Ren. They were very kind and polite. Ren ask me if I could tell him about the crash, but I told him that General Ironwood told me not to tell anyone else what happened. As we sat down to eat, I hear someone cry out in pain.

??? Ouch, stop please, that hurts.???

??? See I told you they were real.???

I get up and go over to them.

Yn: That's not how you treat people pal. So I suggest you let her go.

??? Or what you going to tell on me???

Yn: No. But I could paralyze you and dragged your ass out of that chair into a garbage can.

??? How about I do that to you first???

He gets out off his chair and tries to punch me in the face but I dodge and paralyze him with a small amount of lightning. He falls to the floor and I turn to his team.

Yn: You could try to fight me and loose or you can leave and take this jerk to the nurse and not bully others again. The choice is yours to make.

His team grab him and rush out of the cafeteria. I turn to the bunny fanus.

Yn: Are you alright?

??? Thank you, though my ears are a bit sore.???

Yn: My name is Yn.

??? I'm Velvet I'm from team CTVY???

Yn: Those bullies won't hurt you anymore.

Velvet: I better go. My team maybe wondering where I am, thanks again.

Yn: Your welcome.

I go back to the table where the others are.

Blake: Why did you do that?

Yn: Nobody deserves to be abused, fanus's included.

Nora: That was very brave of you. Almost nobody stands up to Cardin.

Wiess: So lightning is your semblance?

Yup. If I concentrate on it the lightning get stronger.

Jaune: That's really cool.

I smile.

Ruby: Hey Yn how much power did you put in that lightning ball a moment ago.

Yn: A small amount, he will be down for a few minutes. I don't want to become a murderer.

Yang: Yn, he might pick you to fight against him in combat class. He doesn't hold back when he's fighting against other people in class.

Yn: Thanks for the heads up.

She was right. Cardin picked me to fight against him in combat class.

Professor Goodwitch: we have time for one more match.

Cardin: I would like to go against him.

Professor Goodwitch: I don't k-

Yn: Challenge accepted.

I go over and prepare myself.

Professor Goodwitch: Begin

Cardin: Your smaller than me so this will be easy.

Yn: At least I'm not as small as your tiny dick.


Cardin was furious. He swung his mace at me but I blocked it with my sword. We fought for about a good two minutes when I finally disarmed him. I quickly summon a lightning ball and threw it at Cardin's chest. His arua went into the red and I won the fight.

Professor Goodwitch: Yn wins.

My team cheered for me.

Time skip

It was now dark out and a fanus was walking home when he heard a strange noise coming from a alleyway. He went over and heard a hiss behind him. He turned around and gave off a scream before he was knocked out by a xenomorph warrior. He soon wakes up and finds himself cocooned with a strange egg at his feet. The egg opens up and the face hugger lunges at him His screams are silenced. The face hugger then lays the embryo inside him and dies. The fanus now had a few hours to live before the chestbuster inside him is born.

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