A Bad Family Reunion

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Yn pov.

I was finally out of the hospital. I was ready to become a hunter. I just have too see Professor Ozpin first. He called me on a scroll Ruby gave me to come see him when I get out. I wondered what it was. When I reached the gates I was met by one of the teachers.

Professor Goodwitch: Hello I'm Glynda Goodwitch, you must Yn.

Yn: I am.

Professor Goodwitch: Come with me please.

I follow her inside. She led me to a elevator and pushed the button to go to the top floor. When we reached the top and the doors opened I saw something I would never like to see again. My old family. Once they saw me, Summer  rushed over to me. I quickly summon a large lighting ball the size of a watermelon and she stops in her tracks.

Summer: Why did you runaway? I missed you. We all missed you.

Yn: You mean you missed your slave.

Tai: That's no way to talk your mother.

Yn: She's no mother of mine, a mother is a person who looks after all there children and give them love. Not someone you makes you do all the chores around the house and harms you for no reason. And you are a asshole. Not a father.

Tai: You piece of shit.

He lounges to attack me but I paralze him with a small amount of ligntning.

Yn: Still the same as always I see.

Aunt Raven: Yn, please were sorry. Please forgive us.

Yn: Says the woman who used me as target practiced.

Summer: Yn please-

Yn: I don't want to hear it. Ruby and uncle Qrow were the only ones treated me like family.

Uncle Qrow: That's true. I would give you love and treat your wounds. I was going to take him away from you guys but you pushed him over the edge. Would you forgive me for not getting you out of there sooner?

Yn: I forgive you Uncle Qrow.

Qrow: Hey Ozpin is it alright if I watch Yn's initiation?

Professor Ozpin: Very well, you may. However you three will not. I'm very disappointed with you. To abuse a young child for five years is crossing the line. If you go near Yn or harm him I will have you banned from Vale and have Yang expelled. Now get out of here.

Summer, Aunt Raven, and Tai head for the elevator feeling very upset at what they have done.

Professor Ozpin: I'm really sorry they did that Yn.

Yn: Its not your fault professor.

Professor Ozpin: I know. All of team STRQ were my prize pupil. I expected great things from them. I did not expect them to become monsters. Except for Qrow, though he can get himself drunk most of the time.

Uncle Qrow: Guilty as charged.

I smirk.

Professor Ozpin: Let's prepare you for your initiation. Glynda, when he's ready, escort Yn to the lauch pads please.

Professor Goodwitch: Sure thing.

Professor Goodwitch and Yn head to the elevator.

Uncles Qrow's Pov.

As soon as the doors closed, I turn back to Ozpin.

Qrow: Do you think he will ever forgive them?

Professor Ozpin: Perhaps. It will take a while though.

Qrow: Do you know where he was when he ran away?

Professor Ozpin: I do but I can't tell you I'm afraid. It's classified. Even he was told he couldn't tell others. That goes for Ruby as well since she was there visiting Yn at the hospital when James started asking for answers.

Damn you General Ironwood. I really wanted to know what happened.

Professor Ozpin took a sip of coffee then stood up.

Professor Ozpin: Let's go. I believe we need to watch how Yn does on his initiation. I believe he will make a great hunter.

Meanwhile at Atlas.

General Ironwoods Pov .

General Ironwood: Report.

Scientist 1: It's just like the kid said. These aliens have acid for blood. Same as the face huggers. It really difficult to dissect their remains. However we did manage to find something very interesting. These face huggers were carrying a tiny sack inside. Most of these tiny sacks are empty but a few of the have something inside of them. I think these guys carried some sort of embryos.

Scientist 2: The gunk that were connected to pieces of the crashed station is seems to be some sort of secreted riesen. It's really strong and hard to break.

Scientist 3: The bodies we have, some of them have the same wound. A large hole in their chest. The bones were bending outwards so it suggest something broke out of them. They died before the crash.

Scientist 4: Some of these aliens heads are different. Some are very smooth while others have ridges on theirs. They have dorsal tubes on their backs, a long tail with a large blade at the tip. As well as a second mouth for a tongue.

Scientist 5: As for the big one, we believe it to be a Queen. She has two extra arms but smaller in the front. There are about six busted up long spikes on her back. There's also some sort of tissue on her bottom. Since its still connected we believe that there was a egg sack there once. We all believe that she is the mother of all these aliens.

General Ironwood: Is that all?

Scientist 1: Yes sir.

A soldier walks in the room and go over to General Ironwood.

??? General, all of the debris that was in the city have been moved as well as the corpses. ???

General Iron wood: Good work Winter, you are relieved of duty for now.

As Winter walks out, General Ironwood thinks to himself.

These aliens seemed to have been very aggressive when they were alive. Those people on that station never stood a chance. No one except Yn Rose survived that crash. If anyone else did we would have noticed. None of the aliens survived. They look like they could blend in the darkness and be hard to spot. And from what I heard these things are afraid of almost nothing. These were living killing machines. Thank oum that none of these aliens are alive.

He was so wrong. There were over 100 aliens that were alive and well, 6 miles south east of Vale. Their numbers slowly growing.

Rwby And The Xenomorph InvasionOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora