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PS= Extra long chapter! With Extra Drama Too! I spent 2x the time writing this. Enjoy!

February 3rd, 2015

Leafy's POV:
It was the night of the dance. I saw Firey, and it seemed as if right on cue, a slow song came on. It was Called, "Stand by Me." I went up to him and said, "Do you wanna dance?" He turned around. He looked at me and said, "Who are you? I'm not going to dance with a complete stranger." That hit me like a stab in the chest. "But I'm your good-" He left me and went over to Puffball. And he French kissed her. Her friends smiled as they shared the moment. I painfully watched it and then watched them as they ballroom danced across the room. Suddenly, I heard a noise. BAP!BAP!BAP!BAP! That didn't sound like the dismissal bell at all. It sounded more like- I jumped up in bed. "My alarm clock!" I yelled. It was ringing away. I turned it off "Leafy?" a voice like my mom's asked me. "Are you okay?" it asked me again. I ran to the kitchen and my mom and dad were there. "Mom! Dad! I missed you!" I ran up and hugged them. They wrapped their arms around me. Then my mother continued. "Honey, are you okay?" I stared at my parents, confused. "What do you mean?" "Well," said my dad. "You woke up and immediately screamed, MY ALARM CLOCK! That.. is not normally how anyone would wake up." "Oh."I remembered. My parents laughed a little. "Anything you wanna tell us?" asked my dad. I started. "Well, there is a V-day dance on the 14th, and I was dreaming about asking Firey-" "Firey?" My mother asked. "That is good! He is a well behaved boy and he seems like he crushes on you. You two will look cute together!" "Well, I sure have a crush on him. But anyway, let me finish. So a slow song came on, but when I asked him to dance, he said he didn't know me and went to dance with this popular girl that is mean to everyone." I finished. "Oh no," said my dad. "Well I'm pretty sure he likes you in a special way too! Don't be afraid to tell him your feelings." my dad continued. My mom smiled at him. "Because that's how we got together!" She said, and my parents kissed. "I'll probably say a few words at the dance." I told my parents. "Great! During a dance on Valentine's day. Sounds like a romantic scene!" my mom told me. "Yeah. I sure hope it turns out ok," I said, and then I started to get ready for school.

7:35 AM (which is a few minutes later)

Firey's POV:
I'm just about ready to leave for school. I'd try to get there early so I could try and ask Leafy to the dance. My parents weren't here today. They were are work. I waited an extra two minutes and went out the door. I knew Leafy leaves at 7:45 and it was 7:38. So I knocked on her door to see if she was ready. I wanted to walk her early so I could ask her on the way to school. Leafy's mother answered the door. "Oh, hello, Mrs. Earth!" I said to Leafy's mother. "Why, hello Firey! Are you here to walk with Leafy to school?" She asked me. "Yes, Mrs. Earth." She smiled at me and told me she would tell Leafy. "Leafy?" She called out. "Yeah?" replied a voice that sounded like Leafy's. "Firey's here to walk with you." "Ok, mom." Leafy came out from the hallway beside Ms. Earth. "Hey Firey!" she greeted me. "Hey Leafy!" I greeted her back. "Ready to go?" I asked her. "Yeah," she replied. She hugged her mom and came out. We started walking to school. "So, you're early today, huh?" Leafy mentioned. "Yup," I told her. "Why?" she asked. I took a deep breath. "Remember what I was going to ask you yesterday?" I asked her. "Yeah, what about it?" She asked me back. "Well, since Puffball so rudely interrupted me, I wanted to ask you now."

Leafy's POV:
"Ok," I told Firey. I started getting all excited again. This time there would be no interruptions, and he would ask me to be his date to the dance. At least, I'm pretty sure he would. "So, Leafy, I was wondering if you would wanna go to the dance.. with.. me." He said. "Yes!" I said. "I mean, as the good friends that we are." he continued. Right that moment I was hurt deep inside. I was waiting for him to ask me to the dance.... as friends?? That was not expected. I smiled at Firey and I said "Yes." again and tried to sound excited as I did before but obviously I wasn't. I was crushed. We walked to school in silence. I didn't want to talk at all. He left me speechless. Then, as we got close to our school, I decided to vomit out all my feelings for him. (Not literally vomit. lol) I was sick of being heartsick. I just wanted to let it out. And like my parents said, maybe he did like me too. And if he didn't, well... I guess I would just go to my other friends. As we entered the school yard gates, I said to Firey, "I need to tell you something." "Ok," he replied. "What's up?" "Firey, I have this feeling in m-" Suddenly, I fell backwards and everything went black.

Firey's POV:
Oh no! That did not just happen. Puffball came and punched Leafy in the face, knocking her out. "This is revenge!" Puffball yelled. I was so enraged at this stupid snitch. I wanted her to die. But I didn't use any blood and gore against her. I simply said, "Puffball, this started off small, and now you've taken this too far. The teachers will let your parents know about this." Puffball stared at me. "You're just trying to scare me. You wouldn't do that! After all, I can buy you some tea!" Seriously? She tried using her British accent on me. It hit me like a single wooden arrow hitting against a steel wall. No luck for her. I don't fall for that accent, not one bit."This isn't a joke. I'm tired of you. Its time someone spoke up and stood against you. You're a bully. And Nobody Likes A BULLY!" I scolded her. "That's not true. I have a bunch of friends right beside me!" Puffball shot back, but then saw her friends had moved beside Firey. "Yeah, Firey's right. We've had enough of you bossing us around and making us your minions. We're people too, and you have no right to tell us to do your things." said one of them. "Girls, apologize to Firey." The 4 of them all apologized for hurting Firey. He smiled and told them it was ok. "Look, Puffball, if you could apologize to Firey, he'll forget about your mistakes and you can become good, like us!" One of the four girls said. "Yeah!" Said another. "Lets be a team of good!" Said the other two. But Puffball didn't move an inch. "No way! Only Losers will be nice! And soon I'll have another bunch of weak minions like you once were! I won't miss you 4 one bit!" Puffball laughed. "I wouldn't think so, Puffball." said Ms. Quire. She stepped in. "Thank you, Firey, and you 4 girls for stopping this bully. Firey is a good leader, I'm glad you girls follow him. Now, I'll be taking this young lady to the office!" "Wait! Leafy is still unconscious." said Firey. "Oh no," said Ms. Quire. "Well, I trust you 5 are responsible enough to know where to go?" asked Ms Quire. "The nurses office!" They all replied. "Yes, very good! And I'll be seeing you, Firey, at the end of the day for homeroom."said Ms. Quire. "Yes, Ms. Quire." Firey replied. The teacher disappeared into the school with Puffball. Firey picked up Leafy. She was bleeding through her mouth! "Oh my goodness!" Said one of the girls. "We'd better hurry." "Ok," said Firey, and he took her into his arms and rushed to the nurses office.

Leafy's POV:
I sat up.... I was in a..bed? "Huh? Where am I?" I asked. "YAY! Leafy's okay!" By my side was Firey.... and Puffball's 4 evil friends?!? I screamed. "Leave me alone, you guys and puffball are all so evil!" Firey shushed me. "Leafy, calm down! Something just happened that you'll never belie--" The 4 girls cut him off by putting a hand over his mouth. "We'll tell you what happened!" they all said cheerfully. I listened closely as they told me everything. I turned to Firey. "Is this all true?" I asked him. "Yes." he answered. "We'll be your best friends now! We promise we'll never go back to Puffball. She was really mean to us to do everything for her. She is awful!" The 4 girls told me. Firey laughed. I sat there, still in shock. "And you did all of this.. because of me?" I asked him. He slightly blushed. "Yes. I would do lots of things for my good friend Leafy." He smiled at me. The 4 girls looked at Firey and I. "Awww! So cute!" They cooed. I blushed. "Yes, Leafy, and you were bleeding. It was Lucky that Firey and these girls brung you here quickly. You're perfectly fine and you should start getting ready for your lunch period. Only 10 minutes till lunch dismissal, chop chop!" The nurse smiled at us. I got up, but I tripped over my shoes that were laid beside the bed. Firey caught me just in time. I looked at him. I was in his arms. He blushed and set me down. We walked up to our lockers and the 4 girls told us they'd talk to us later. As we walked up the stairs, I noticed that he was still holding onto my hand. When he noticed I was looking, I turned my head quickly. I was still in shock. He stopped a bully for me. Stopping a bully! It may seem easy, but in reality it isn't just a bag of chips. No one has ever done anything like that for me before. It was a sure sign he liked me too. I wanted to tell him how I felt. But I kept it in. I would be romantic at the dance. I smiled. I couldn't wait for that magical event!

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