871 15 18

February 12, 2015



Firey's POV:
The dance is only one day away. All my patience is slowly drifting away from me. One day away from a possible first girlfriend, first kiss, and stuff. All the embarrassment won't be there anymore. I was basically biting my tongue in excitement. I really can't wait. It's so close! I love Leafy so much. I wanted to make out with her. Hey, don't judge, you probably haven't been in a blood-and-gore love story like her and I. I just wish the dance would be here already! As I sat at my lunch table beside Leafy, (who was talking to Pin, Ice cube and Bubble behind her at the moment) I stared at her beautiful head of hair. Straight strands of deep green hair, medium length, with some strands messily over her eyes. She had a nice body shape, a light green plain t-shirt on, with dark blue lightly stained jeans. Light blue socks with Adidas white shoes. She was perfect in my eyes. Then she turned her head to face me. I stared down at her lips. Blueberry lip balm, I saw her put it on in the grade 8 hallway all the time when she was getting ready for class in the morning. Those beautiful, unchapped lips. I wanted to grap her and kiss those lips badly. I really, really was aching to take my face and collide it with hers. I suddenly noticed those cheeks turn red. "F-Firey! Wh-wha-what are y-you do-doing??" Leafy stuttered. "Oh, um, there- Uh- There's something on your cheek!" I lied. So I got close to her face and slowly wiped the imaginary 'thing' off her face. It was the perfect excuse to touch her. As I stroked her cheek with my hand, she had no idea and thought I was just wiping something off her cheek. Her cheeks were soft, with a few whitehead pimples here and there, but I didn't care. Romantic moment. "U-uh, is it off y-yet?" She asked, blushing. "Nope." I lied. "But I got some off it off. Trust me, I'll get it off for you." I lied again. I did it because her cheek was soft and I just wanted to touch her. I wanted to touch her, kiss her, and be in love with her. She was my perfect girl.

Leafy's POV:
I sat there while Firey was busy cleaning something off my cheek. "What is it that is on my cheek?" I asked. "O-oh, Uh, um, peanut butter." he said. Wait, I didn't eat anything with peanut butter for lunch, and couldn't see any peanut butter in sight. He was probably lying, and wanted to just touch my face. But I didn't say anything, because I liked it. His soft hand gave me butterflies, but I loved it and I didn't want him to stop. "Done yet?" I asked. "No." he replied. Good, I like it. I smiled in my head. "How about now?" I asked, making sure. "Nope, not even close." he replied. It was cute. "Boy, that peanut butter must be invincible or something." I joked. "Oh um there's some on your other cheek, too. Let me get it for you," he obviously lied again. But I liked the feeling of him touching my face. Sounds kind of weird, doesn't it? But face it, love is weird. So he had one hand on one cheek and the other on my other cheek. So he was basically rubbing his hands against my face. It was a good feeling, but sort of ticklish, kind of like a massage. He started to rub his fingers in circles. He looked like he wanted to touch me. I wanted him to, so yeah I let him. Suddenly, the lunch bell rang so he took his hands off my face and we went outside. As I headed outside, Firey put his arm around my shoulder. I blushed.

Firey's POV:
I put my arm on Leafy's shoulder. I couldn't stop touching her. I was crazy in love with her. I wanted to be with her whenever. The suspense was killing me. I needed her. Leafy started blushing, but she didn't say anything. Good, last thing I needed was more embarrassment. I just held on to her like that. I wanted to, and she didn't say anything. I knew she loved me, so she wouldn't mind. I couldn't wait for the dance, it is like one day away. Then I lowered my arms to her lower back. She blushed madly. I giggled a little. It was so cute how she always blushed. I put my other hand behind her legs, and picked her up, bridal style. She kept on blushing. Cute! I brung her over to a tree, and laid her down. "Hey Leafy, Wanna play a game?" I asked her. "Sure. What is it?" She asked. "Truth or dare." I replied. "Uhh-" "Without Pin, Ice Cube, and Bubble. Just us two, and nothing like.. you know." I quickly told her. "Oh. Okay." she replied. "Ok, my turn. Truth or dare?" I asked Leafy. "Dare," she answered. "I dare you to do the caramell dansen." I laughed. (it's a meme, search it up!) "Ok." she replied, laughing. She got up and started waving her hips and moving her hands atop her head. She started laughing. "They do it really fast though!" I laughed along with her. Then Pin, Bubble, and Ice Cube sit down with us. Well, so much for being just the two of us. "Firey, we need to talk to you." they told me. What? I got up, and so did they. Leafy started to get up, but I stopped her. "Er, Leafy, I sort of need to talk to them in privacy. I'll just be a moment." I told her, and she sat back down. I walked over to the 3. "What is it?" I asked them. "Well, the dance is almost here, and like ya said, we want 2 confirm your, say, plans." said Pin. "Oh, right. So, when a slow song comes on, I want you to tell Leafy that this is her 'lucky chance to get with me' and tell her to ask me to dance. " I started. "She is going to say no, and then Bubble will give me a hand signal behind her back right when she says no. I will waltz in, ask what is going on, you all will say 'nothing'!" I explained. "Then I will take Leafy's hand, ask her to the slow dance, I slow dance with Leafy, I want you all to push her into me. Not really push her face to mine, but to push her hard enough she falls deep into my arms. And that's when I'll smile, lift her head and kiss her, happy kawaii ending." I said. "Ok, good plan. It sounds so kawaii! And the ending!!" They all 'awwwwed', and started giggling. I smiled. It's going to be absolutely perfecto!

Leafy's POV:
I saw the group whispering and giggling. Firey is taking a little long. Maybe I'll grab him from the group? So I came up behind Firey. I heard Firey say quietly, "Save it for later, I have to get back to Lea-ungh!" Firey turned around and bumped into my face, since I was right behind him. Suddenly, I felt something warm and a little wet on my bottom lip for about half a second. My eyes were wide open, and when I saw exactly what it was, they opened even wider. Firey's face got really close to mine, and his lips touched my lips!! So.. we basically kissed for half a second. Oh my barbecue chicken, kissing him on the lips for even half a second is beyond my wildest dream! We both started blushing really crazy. We just kissed! Even if it was really really quick, it happened. "Oh! U-um, L-Leaf-Leafy! I-I'm s-sorry!" He stuttered. "Uh, I-it's f-fine." I replied. "Um, h-how long wa-were you standing th-there?" he asked me, scratching the back of his neck, a thing all guys do when they're kind of feeling like, Um, heh, what just happened?! He was blushing. And I obviously was too. "Oh! Uh-um, I just got here a few se-seconds ago." I replied. Pin, Ice Cube, and Bubble all had these cute eyes looking at us and fangirling like we were both kawaii at the moment or something. I looked away, my face still hot as Indian curry, because it burns, burns, burns! (Who got that reference? If you did, you are my new best friend! Lol jk, References are really my thing, along with fanfics :-D ) Firey couldn't look straight at my face. I couldn't either. Do you blame me? I loved the kiss, even if it was for half a second. My sorta first kiss went a little like this :D

Firey's POV:
Did I just kiss Leafy!? We touched lips, so it was technically a kiss. I kissed her! Before the dance! I must tell you, I was so happy but so embarrassed the moment it happened. Even such a little touch of those lips I had been aching for. For almost a second, I tasted that blueberry on my lips, and felt those lips, they were a little wet and a little warm. But I was so embarrassed that she might've heard my plans to work on her at the dance! I hoped she didn't hear anything that would spoil the surprise. I couldn't even look straight at her. But eventually, the bell rang, and I tried to act like nothing happened. I just walked inside, in front of Leafy, and didn't speak a word. 2nd-best-day-ever. The dance would definitely be the best. :)

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